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In the quiet aftermath of their heated exchange, Dominik and Milica found themselves lying in bed, the tension between them palpable. Milica, frustrated and still wrestling with the echoes of betrayal, couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance with Dominik.

As he reached over, gently pushing strands of hair away from her face, Milica turned away, muttering, "You're so annoying."

Dominik, unfazed by her attempts to build walls, persisted with a mischievous grin. "Annoying? Or irresistibly charming?"

Milica rolled her eyes, refusing to give in to his attempts at lightening the mood. "Definitely annoying."

Undeterred, Dominik continued to playfully tease her. "You love it, though. Admit it."

Milica, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability, retorted, "Love? After what you did?"

Dominik, recognizing the gravity of the situation, grew somber. He gently traced his fingers along her cheek, attempting to wipe away the tear tracks that had formed in the wake of their tumultuous exchange.

As Milica's voice cracked with emotion, Dom realized it was time to lay bare the truth. "Milica, listen. I didn't cheat on you. That night, the girl pretended to be drunk, and she kissed me. I pulled away, but she made it look like something else."

Milica, still facing away from him, felt a pang of confusion and sorrow. Dominik's revelation began to chip away at the walls she had erected around her heart. Turning back to face him, tears streaming down her face, Milica finally listened.

Dominik gently wiped away her tears with his fingers, a silent gesture of reassurance. As Milica described the mysterious girl who had approached her, Dom's face contorted with realization.

"That was my ex," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "She's been trying to ruin things between us. I should've told you that night."

Milica, her confusion evident, asked, "Why didn't you? Why let me find out like this?"

Dominik, grappling with his own mistakes, sighed. "I messed up, Milica. I should've been honest from the start. I was scared, I guess. Scared of losing you."

The weight of their shared history, the mistakes, and the unspoken truths lay heavy in the room. Dominik's revelation, while a step toward clarity, left the path ahead uncertain.

As they lay there, emotions raw and exposed, Milica and Dominik faced the crossroads of their relationship. The echoes of misunderstanding and betrayal lingered, leaving them to navigate the shadows of their past and forge a new path forward—one built on honesty, vulnerability, and the daunting task of rebuilding trust.

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