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Two days after the encounter with Talia, the buzz of anticipation filled the air as Dominik prepared for the Brentford game. The locker room echoed with the sounds of shuffling cleats, spirited chatter, and the distinctive scent of adrenaline. Dominik, however, felt a distinct weight on his shoulders, the memory of the unspoken shadows from that night lingering.

As he stepped onto the field for warm-up, his eyes caught sight of Milica in the stands, proudly adorned in his jersey. The unexpected sight threw him off balance, a wave of emotions clouding his focus. He couldn't shake the image of Milica sitting there, a silent reminder of the unspoken truths hanging between them.

Struggling to concentrate on the warm-up drills, Dominik's movements lacked the usual precision. Trent, noticing his friend's distracted state, approached him.

"Dom, what's going on?" Trent questioned, concern etched on his face.

Dominik, aware of the potential for lip readers among the fans, quickly covered his mouth with his hand, avoiding any chance of his conversation being deciphered. The impending arrival of Niko added an additional layer of caution.

In hushed tones, Dominik explained the situation to Trent, recounting the events with Talia and the mysterious scent that had triggered Milica's allergies. Trent listened attentively, his expression shifting between understanding and a hint of amusement.

"Dom, mate, you need to tell her," Trent advised, his voice low but firm. "This isn't good for you, the way you're dreading it."

Dominik sighed, realizing the weight of Trent's words. The unspoken tension between him and Milica was affecting not only his personal life but also his performance on the pitch.

The referee's whistle signaled the end of the warm-up, and Dominik reluctantly refocused on the game ahead. As the team faced Brentford, the tension on the pitch mirrored the complexities in Dominik's personal life.

Throughout the match, Dominik's mind wavered between the exhilaration of the game and the unresolved issues with Milica. The unspoken shadows seemed to cast a subtle haze over his performance, an echo of the emotions he carried.

As the final whistle blew, marking the end of the game, Dominik couldn't escape the reality that he needed to address the unspoken tensions that loomed between him and Milica. The locker room chatter buzzed around him, but his thoughts were elsewhere—on the impending conversation that had the potential to unravel the knots of unspoken truths and bring clarity to the shadows that lingered.

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