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Soobin wakes to the sound of cursing and slamming doors. He sits up with a start, disoriented and still within the grasps of sleep. He hasn't gotten enough of it, didn't get back inside until 2 am, and when he crashed, he crashed hard. A glance at his watch on the nightstand tells him it's just after 7 am. He groans and lets himself drop back on his pillow and close his eyes for another moment before he sits up and drags himself out of bed.

He can hear voices coming from downstairs. It's much too early for visitors and Soobin decides he doesn't like this friend of Yeonjun's.

"Who the hell arrives at 7 am?" he grumbles as he quickly goes through his morning routine, slipping into a cozy tan sweater and olive green slacks. His eyes are puffy from the lack of sleep so he puts on his wire-framed glasses before he trudges downstairs.

In the time he's known Yeonjun now, he has figured out that Yeonjun could be blunt sometimes, didn't shy away from making himself heard, and voicing his frustrations. Even so, today he is cursing at a volume that is a bit much even for him.

"-swear to god, he always does this. He never listens, always making my life harder than it needs to be. I asked him to wake me up around dinnertime so I could get the flowers for you, and the next thing I know is being woken up by your knock on the door."

Soobin hasn't entered the kitchen yet, but he can still hear the way Yeonjun is panting from the rush of words leaving his mouth in one breath.

"It's not that big of a deal, Yeonjun, I promise," Soobin hears an unfamiliar voice say. "You clearly needed the rest. He probably just wanted what's best for you."

Okay, so maybe this guy is not so bad after all. Soobin almost steps forward but then Yeonjun starts talking again.

"Yeah, right," he says, voice drenched in sarcasm. "I swear, he does this on purpose. When I say he never listens, I mean never. It's not just this. He drives me up the wall."

Soobin frowns. That isn't true at all. He does listen, and he tries his best to do as asked of him. Yeonjun can't know that Soobin meant well, that he went out last night to do his job for him, but either way, he's twisting the narrative to something that suits him. Anger starts to boil in the pit of his stomach as he moves around the corner, finally stepping into the kitchen.

The guy who arrived has a friendly face, and there's something warm about his presence that is hard to miss, even if Soobin has seen him for a total of five seconds. When he swivels around towards the door, a smile starts blooming on his face. It would be enough to make Soobin smile in return if it wasn't for Yeonjun's acid gaze landing on him at the same time.

"There you are," Yeonjun snaps. "Finally decided to show your face, huh?"

His chest is heaving, red splotches covering the skin on his neck and Soobin only raises his eyebrow at him. He's angry, yes, but he won't rise to the bait, won't give in to the fight Yeonjun is clearly looking for.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"About 7:30 am."

"Right. And when did I tell you to wake me?"


Soobin frowns. "Uh, yeah, I'm not stupid."

"Oh, so you do remember."

A cold laugh leaves Yeonjun's lips, and even though Soobin knows he's in the right this time, it sends a shiver down his spine.

"I'd say that's debatable. Considering you did not wake me up as I asked of you yesterday. See, I asked Hueningkai for an ingredient that I thought could help with getting your string cut. I asked him to come early, even though he wasn't planning on visiting until next month." Yeonjun is gesturing wildly, getting angrier with every word leaving his lips. "All I asked of you is to wake me up so I could get the moonflowers in return. Now the full moon has passed and I can't harvest them."

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