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a/n] oops smut (don't read if you're young/comfortable)

A moan travels up Soobin's throat at the pressure against his tightening pants, and he feels the way Yeonjun has grown hard from this little bit of kissing, too. Neither of them is completely there yet, but with the way Yeonjun starts circling his hips against him, Soobin knows he's not far from it either. So he bites down sharply on Yeonjun's lip, making him hiss, and moves down his neck with kisses once more, a matching path to the one he took before.

Except this time he doesn't stop when he reaches Yeonjun's collar, slides his hands around until they come to rest against the first button. He pulls his lips away from Yeonjun's skin just long enough to ask, "May I?", moving back in just as quickly when he gets the okay. He takes his time, leaves kisses on each inch of revealed skin, savoring the experience because he knows he'll never get to do this for the first time ever again. He only moves back when Yeonjun's shirt is hanging loosely around his shoulders, a strip of skin revealed in between. Yeonjun's chest is moving quickly, his abs rippling with each panting breath, and he watches Soobin closely as he finally slides the shirt down Yeonjun's arms until it pools into a heap on the kitchen counter.

Soobin doesn't know where to look or touch first, his eyes darting from the black ink on Yeonjun's ribs to the silver barbel piercing his nipple. He shakes his head a little as his eyes trace Yeonjun's muscles.


"You look unreal."

Yeonjun laughs quietly, enough to burst the standstill they have found themselves in, and Soobin moves in to swallow up the sound. He kisses Yeonjun slowly this time, holds his face like the most delicate flower, can't help but to leave a small peck on his button nose when he pulls away. It's a sweet moment, makes his heart clench in the best way possible, but then Yeonjun kisses him again, runs his tongue behind Soobin's teeth, sucks his tongue into his mouth, and whatever restraint Soobin has been holding onto flies out the window.

He grips Yeonjun's shoulders, pushes him back slightly, and this time there's no fabric in his way. He lets his lips roam down Yeonjun's neck once more, kisses down his chest until he finally reaches the place he has not been able to stop thinking about. He darts out his tongue to flick against Yeonjun's piercing, watching closely for any reaction. He's careful at first, earning him nothing more than a soft hand in his hair and a few low moans, but when he gets a little bolder and sucks the piercing into his mouth, Yeonjun lets out the prettiest whine. So he toys with it for some time, runs his tongue around the edges, even pulls on it gently with his teeth, all while rolling the other nipple between his fingers. Yeonjun squirms in his arms, tries to inch closer, and at some point, he tugs sharply on Soobin's hair.

"Soobin- Shit," Yeonjun's words get lost between his heavy breathing and moans. "Soobin."

"Hmm?" Soobin looks up from under his lashes, mouth open and his tongue running across the barbell. It must look obscene how he's drooling all over Yeonjun's chest, and Yeonjun's eyes get a little darker as he stares down at him.

"Soobin, kiss me."

It's quite possibly the only thing that could have made Soobin desert his new favorite place. With one last flick, he trails his tongue up all the way to Yeonjun's lips who desperately pulls him into a bruising kiss. Yeonjun is getting impatient now, his kiss hurried and his hands scrambling to bunch up Soobin's shirt. He tugs at it sharply until Soobin breaks the kiss, a chuckle leaving his lips at the desperation in Yeonjun's eyes.

"Fuck, off, off."

Soobin raises his arms, lets Yeonjun pull off his t-shirt and throw it in the corner, a satisfied huff leaving his lips as soon as Soobin is shirtless. Immediately, some of the hastiness washes away from Yeonjun's expression as he stops to look at Soobin. Soobin isn't shy about his body, doesn't have a problem with being naked. But there is something that makes him feel on edge about Yeonjun's eyes. traveling across his exposed skin, his hands following shortly, exploring what has been hidden so far.

Soobin's heart sings in his chest, gets louder when he kisses Yeonjun again, and feels their naked skin pressed against each other. Yeonjun's hands wrap around his back, and he pulls him in closer with his legs tightening around Soobin so he can roll his hips against him once more. Soobin's hands find their way back to Yeonjun's hips, helping him move. It's the sweetest form of torture feeling Yeonjun harden against him having the fabric of his underwear rub against his own hardness when they're still covered by too many layers of clothing. He feels strung tight from all the months they have been building up to his, and no matter how much exposed skin his hands cover on Yeonjun's body, it never feels enough.

He starts moving with Yeonjun, meets him in the middle until he's a quivering mess in his arms, panting against Soobin's lips instead of kissing him.

"Soob," Yeonjun sighs into his mouth. "Touch me."

He sounds utterly wrecked, his voice breathy and wanting and when Soobin pulls back with one last kiss to Yeonjun's open mouth, the look on his face matches his voice. He slides his hands down Yeonjun's sides until they cover his ass, pulling him in even tighter, taking delight in the way Yeonjun throws his head back in a high-pitched whine. His fingernails are pressed into Soobin's shoulders, and it stings in the best way possible. He takes a deep breath and tries to steady himself before he lifts Yeonjun off the counter.

Yeonjun's head snaps back in surprise, a gasp leaving his lips as his arms and legs tighten automatically.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not fucking you on the kitchen counter, Yeonjun."

Soobin takes a few shaky steps towards the door, has no idea how he's supposed to keep walking when Yeonjun starts moving his hips against him. He almost regrets his decision when he's placing his first step on the stairs and Yeonjun leans forward to whisper in his ear.

"Too bad. Seems fun."

It's too easy to picture it, his mind drawing up images of laying Yeonjun down on the counter. His knees buckle under something other than the weight and his attempt to get them up the stairs unscathed while Yeonjun starts to mouth at his jaw, and he finds that he has to agree. It does seem fun. But it's an idea to explore on a different day maybe, when Soobin isn't so goddamn overwhelmed from the novelty of it all.

Somehow, he makes it up the stairs without any major injuries, walks towards Yeonjun's bedroom as if on autopilot. His hands are still on Yeonjun's ass, covered up by the sorry excuse of carrying him, but Yeonjun doesn't seem to be opposed judging from the way he sighs into Soobin's ear every time his fingers tighten.

Yeonjun doesn't say anything until Soobin gently drops him onto the mattress, and even though Soobin is not far behind, it makes Yeonjun's face reappear from where it has been buried against Soobin's neck for most of the trip upstairs. His eyes take in his surroundings, then focus back on Soobin.

"My room?"

Soobin only shrugs. "Bigger bed."

Yeonjun laughs before he pulls him in for a fierce kiss. When Soobin is breathless and feeling dizzy, Yeonjun starts to break through the hazy feeling, whispering against his lips.

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