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Tomorrow comes with knocks against the front door. It takes Soobin a moment to figure out what's going on. He's comfortable and warm, sleep trying its best to pull him back under. He forgot to close the curtains last night, the light streaming in through his window. He wants to turn away from the light, shove his face into his pillow and maybe, hopefully, get a few more hours of rest. Only when he tries to turn around, he can't. He frowns, eyes blinking open against the brightness. And then it hits him.

Yeonjun. Yeonjun is here. He arrived just yesterday with teary eyes and a red string tied around his little finger. It feels like a fever dream, sends Soobin's head whirling, but when he looks down those are undoubtedly Yeonjun's arms wrapped around his waist. Gently, he lifts up Yeonjun's hand, stares at the little hints of red laced through the bumpy skin on his pinky, feels warmth wrapping his heart in a tight embrace.

He smiles softly, wants to snuggle deeper underneath the blankets even more so than he did before, wants to stay pressed against Yeonjun, and bask in his warmth. He wants to stay right here, wait until Yeonjun starts to wake up and he can twist around to press kisses all over his face.

Except the knocking doesn't stop. With a sigh and a heavy heart, he pulls Yeonjun's arm away from his waist which turns out to be harder than he would have expected. When he's finally able to sit up and twist around, it takes everything in him to not fall back down onto his pillow immediately.

It suddenly hits him that this is the first morning he gets to wake up with Yeonjun. He's seen him in the morning countless times, so the messy hair and sleep-rumpled look aren't entirely new. But he has never been allowed to wake up pressed close to him, to actually see Yeonjjn asleep like this, at peace.

There's the slightest pout on his lips, a few lines wrinkling his forehead, and Soobin's heart clenches in his chest at how cute Yeonjun is. He hopes the frown comes from Soobin untangling him, that somehow Yeonjun feels it, that he doesn't like it any more than Soobin does. He leans down to press a kiss between Yeonjun's eyes where his frown is the deepest, feels the slightest hint of a sigh leaving his lips. He'd stay right there if it weren't for the knocking ringing through the apartment once again.

He finally gets up properly, a little cranky and a lot disoriented as he tries to find something to wear. Their clothes are littering the floor, a tell-tale sign of the events of the previous night, and he can barely suppress his laughter when he finds his own shirt flung over a lamp in the corner. He takes the time to pull the curtains closed as quietly as possible once he's dressed, lingers for just one more second to look at Yeonjun before he leaves the room, closing the door gently behind him.

When he swings the door open, he's met with Beomgyu's fist hovering in the air. He's not exactly surprised, doesn't know anyone else who would knock on his door instead of ringing the bell, but judging from the look on Beomgyu and Taehyun's faces, the feeling isn't mutual.

"What?" he grumbles, still sleepy and a little bitter he had to pull himself away from Yeonjun.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," Taehyun laughs. "Rough night?"

It's not exactly how Soobin would describe it, but it had been a long night for sure. He makes an unintelligible sound at the back of his throat, moves to the side to let his friends inside even though he has no clue what they are here for on a Saturday morning. It must show on his face because Beomgyu hasn't even slipped off his shoes entirely before he explains.

"We said we'd come over for breakfast, remember? To go over the plans for tomorrow?"

At Soobin's quizzical expressions he halts for a second. "The opening? Honestly, I know you need time to wake up, but you've been talking about nothing else for the past weeks. Everything okay?"

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