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When Soobin wakes up the next morning the bed is cold. It's not like he hadn't expected it, but a pang shoots through his chest when his sleep-riddled brain realizes Yeonjun must have left him a while ago. Then again, maybe it's not the worst thing when he thinks about what a cozy morning in bed would have done to him. Maybe it's actually a blessing that the nerves are pushing towards the front when reality settles in. Today is the solstice. Today he's finally getting rid of his soul string.

The thought won't let him rest any longer, no matter how much he might enjoy a lazy morning. He'd be lying if he said he isn't also worried about Yeonjun, and wondering what he is up to. A look at the clock on the dresser tells Soobin it's only a little after 7:30, and when he opens the window, the air is still balmy and refreshing. Nothing compared to the scorching summer heat that has been starting to creep up on them during the day.

He shuffles into his slippers, and with sleep still grasping after him, he trudges down the stairs. His first stop is the kitchen, but it's deserted. He sighs, having expected this, and puts water in the kettle to start making tea. Knowing Yeonjun, he is already elbow- deep into his work, has probably downed multiple cups of coffee, and could use something to balance out all the caffeine and adrenaline.

When Soobin knocks on the propped open door to the study, he's answered with a low hum. The sight that greets him when he pushes the door open is a familiar one, familiar enough to make his chest constrict a little. Yeonjun is hunched over his desk, big glasses perched on top of his small nose, gaze flickering up only momentarily to check for whatever it is he is trying to do. If Soobin had eyes for anything other than Yeonjun, he'd notice the clear tincture to the side with the antique scissors inside.

"Good morning," he says, unable to keep the fondness out of his voice entirely. He hopes Yeonjun is too preoccupied to notice.

"Morning," Yeonjun mumbles, but his eyes don't leave the book in front of him. Soobin lets out a deep sigh.

"Yeonjun. We've been over this. You're ready."

"Better safe than sorry."

Soobin walks slowly towards the desk just as Yeonjun gets up to do god knows what. He's about to step away from the desk, when Soobin reaches across it, grasping his hands and making him falter in his movements. Yeonjun looks at him for the first time, as if he was being pulled out of whatever spell he was under, eyes big and blinking rapidly. He pulls against Soobin's hold but it's half-hearted at best. As soon as Soobin starts rubbing his thumb across Yeonjun's wrist, he melts.

"Hey," Soobin says as calmly as he possibly can. "We've done everything we can. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"No," Yeonjun pouts. "But-"

"But nothing. We're gonna have breakfast now, and then we can check things together one last time, okay?"

Yeonjun's eyes are flickering across his desk, lingering on the small cauldron to the side, then on the scissors, and Soobin can almost hear the voices inside his head with how loud they must be screaming at Yeonjun to finish his job. He knows Yeonjun doesn't just abandon things he started, likes to see things through no matter what, so he just waits, his hands loose and comforting around Yeonjun's wrists. He wouldn't stop him if he really wanted to pull away and finish his inspection of the ritual procedure, but he has learned that sometimes Yeonjun needs someone else to break through the cycle in his head; to gently guide him and offer him an out.

"Alright," Yeonjun says with a deep sigh, and the relief makes Soobin smile brightly at him. It's enough to make Yeonjun's lips twitch slightly in response, even though the worried look in his eyes has not disappeared completely just yet.

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