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The next day, they're in the car on their way to Soobin's hometown. It hasn't been long since Soobin has made the trip, even less for Yeonjun, but it's the first time they are driving somewhere together, and just like with anything else, Soobin is excited about every first he gets to experience with Yeonjun.

Yeonjun, as it turns out, is a great passenger. He fiddles around with the radio a little bit, adjusts the AC to his liking but then he settles down, staring out the window and making light conversation. He seems comfortable, calm even.

Until he doesn't.

Focused on the traffic, Soobin doesn't notice at first. It's not until they're around forty minutes away from home, that he catches sight of Yeonjun's twitching hands, his nails scratching against the seams of his pants; he's gone quiet too, Soobin belatedly realizes.

"Yeonjun," he says with a smile. "Stop worrying."

Yeonjun huffs out a deep breath. "I can't help it."

"Want me to pull over and distract you?"


"What?" Soobin who grins at him briefly, is met with an incredulous look on Yeonjun's face. "I'm sure my parents won't care if we're a little late"

"No!" Yeonjun cries out. "We can't be late, that's gonna make a horrible first impression."

From the corner of his eye, Soobin sees the pout sitting heavily on Yeonjun's lips, the way he crosses his arms in front of his chest. He still can't quell the laughter that's traveling up his throat until it overflows and fills the space between them.

When he reaches over and untangles Yeonjun's arms to slip his hand into Yeonjun's, he's met with no resistance. He intertwines their fingers, squeezes briefly.

Although Soobin doesn't look at him directly, he can feel the last bit of tension leaving Yeonjun's body as Soobin lifts his hand, kissing the back of it gently. "You're beautiful."

"Flatterer," Yeonjun says, sounding pleased.

"Of course I am, have you seen yourself?"

Soobin risks a quick glance over, and he couldn't be more grateful that he did. There's a gleam in Yeonjun's eyes, something playful, a smile dancing around his lips that he is barely able to contain. He's flushing a beautiful, bright pink with each second he has Soobin's eyes on him, and Soobin is one second away from pulling over to the side of the road so he can kiss him silly.

He probably would have if it wasn't for Yeonjun squeezing his hand. "Eyes on the road, Soobin."

"What a shame," he says but turns his head back around. "You're so much prettier to look at."

"Oh my god," Yeonjun groans. "Just drive."

He tries to sound exasperated, but he fails miserably. And so, Soobin does as he's asked but he also keeps going with the flattery. He compliments Yeonjun whenever he sees an opportunity, uses the cheesiest lines he could possibly think of. Every now and then he will lift Yeonjun's hand to scatter even more kisses across his soft skin.

It works. By the time they pull into the driveway of Soobin's childhood home, they're both laughing, all nerves forgotten. Yeonjun looks a lot more relaxed, doesn't even seem to take in his surroundings until Soobin drops his hand to turn off the ignition. His eyes go wide for a second as he looks up, taking in the old brick house in front of him, the flowers lining the side of the driveway.

His mouth drops open in a quiet oh.

But when he looks at Soobin, he looks less terrified than before. Sure, there is a hint of nervousness swimming in his eyes, but Soobin can tell that something has shifted. So he Just leans across the console, presses a quick peck to Yeonjun's open lips.


Yeonjun lets out a shaky breath. "Ready when you are."

Soobin gets out of the car and slams it shut. Before it closes, the front door to the house opens, Soobin's mom standing in the frame.

"Hi, mom," he calls out as he rounds the car, meeting Yeonjun in the back to grab their bags.

When they move towards the house, Yeonjun falls behind a little bit, leaves Soobin to greet his mother properly.

"Hello, darling, was the drive okay?"

"I'm good, I'm good. Your dad and grandma are out right now, running some last-minute errands."

"Yeah, fine. How are you? Where's everyone else?"

She squeezes him one last time before he steps to the side, his arm reaching back as he gestures for Yeonjun to come forward.

"Mom, this is Yeonjun."

"Hello," Yeonjun says timidly, bowing slightly. "It's really nice to meet you. Thank you for inviting me."

"Oh Soobin, he's gorgeous."

Soobin laughs. "I know, right?"

He turns around slightly, takes pleasure in the way Yeonjun's face flushes a bright red, a shy smile dancing around his lips. He was never nervous about any of this, knew Yeonjun would have no problem enchanting his family in ways that had absolutely nothing to do with magic.

And yet, his heart skips a beat when his mother steps forward, wrapping Yeonjun up in a hug. It's forward, a little unconventional for a first meeting, but after a moment of surprise, Yeonjun melts into her hug. And when he hears his mother's whispered words, he doesn't think she's only talking about this current moment.

"Welcome, we're so happy to have you here."

The redness on Yeonjun's cheeks has faded into a softer hue, and when he looks at Soobin over his mom's shoulder, there's a twinkle in his eye. It makes him swallow against the lump in his throat that lodged itself there seeing two parts of his life slide together so perfectly. It's something he's always dreamed of, a moment that seemed to get further out of reach the older he got. Now that it's here, he doesn't quite know what to do with it.

But maybe that's okay, he figures when he sees his mother letting go of Yeonjun, the small moment of awkwardness at not knowing the next step lingering in the air before they all burst into laughter. None of them have done this before. But as Soobin scoops up the bags they had dropped to the floor and slides his fingers back in between Yeonjun's to drag him inside, he realizes he doesn't care. Because somehow, everything about this feels right. Because he knows that they'll figure it out, as long as Yeonjun stays right here by his side.

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