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It feels a little bit like déjà-vu when Soobin shoulders his backpack in the icy air. Just a little over a year ago, he'd been in the very same spot-halting for a moment to stare into the forest, nerves rattling with what awaited him once he reached his destination. He'd been led by heartache and hope.

This time, there are a few things that are different about his trek through the woods. Instead of sitting on a train for hours, he had taken a car. It was another rental, slightly bigger than what he would usually drive in the city, but necessary for the circumstances. His backpack is lighter this time, merely holding enough items to get him through the day.

And most importantly, this time it isn't fear showing him the way. It's love.

He doesn't linger too long, doesn't want to waste any time. It's still a beautiful hike, despite the fact that it's winter and the cold is starting to sink into his clothes. He has only been here a handful of times and yet, everything seems familiar. Like the woods are welcoming him back.

When he finally reaches his destination, it's almost lunchtime. He's jittery, fumbles with the key that he hasn't gotten the chance to use yet. It makes him oddly emotional, a lump lodged in his throat when the magnitude of the moment sinks in. But it is soon forgotten when he steps into the warm comfort of the house, letting the door slide shut behind him as he slips out of his shoes and coat, the backpack discarded on the floor. He's much too impatient, doesn't announce himself, because he knows he's been expected already.

There's a soft humming coming through the open door of the study and when Soobin rounds the corner, his frazzled nerves finally settle. Because there is the person his heart has led him towards, turned away from him; busy with something Soobin doesn't really care about. It's been three long weeks since he had felt at peace like this. Three weeks of random deliveries making their way to his front door, a pile of boxes sitting in the middle of his living room. Each delivery made it harder to be patient, but he knew there were some things that needed to be wrapped up before this new part of his life could truly begin.

And yet, he's missed this - being able to openly stare at the one who holds his heart, who makes him laugh harder than anything or anyone else. Missed seeing him move around between these four walls, the place that held so many realizations. The place where he discovered that maybe he didn't entirely dislike the person who was meant to cut his string, the place he'd been terrified out of his mind when the ritual to cut his soul string went wrong. Absentmindedly, he runs his thumb over his pinky, thanking whatever higher power made them fail for what feels like the thousandth time.

When he steps forward, wrapping his arms around him, Yeonjun doesn't flinch. Instead, he leans into him, tilting his head to the side as Soobin buries his face into his neck. Maybe it is because he's sentimental, because he's just been on the same path that led him towards Yeonjun the first time, but Soobin can't stop himself from uttering the exact same words he used when Yeonjun first opened his door to him a year ago.

"Are you Choi Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun laughs, and the sound alone is enough to make the cold that's been haunting Soobin the past few weeks disappear. "Well, it sure seems like it, doesn't it? Considering you've turned up here and let yourself in, I assume you know the answer." His tone is less sharp now, doesn't hold any of the scorn it used to.

It's gentle, laughter bubbling just beneath the surface.

"Hmm," Soobin smiles against his skin. The scent of peaches is so strong, it's almost dizzying. "I was wondering if you could help me? I'm looking for the love of my life."

"Oh?" Yeonjun's voice is breathy as Soobin continues to give his neck attention, nibbling and kissing every inch of bare skin he can reach. "I might be able to help, yeah. What do they look like?"

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