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"Where are we going?" Yeonjun laughs.

His hand is intertwined with Soobin's, who is tugging him along, excitement making him walk fast enough for Yeonjun to stumble slightly behind him. He doesn't answer, thinks this is one of those things that's better experienced than explained.

"Soobin!" Yeonjun sounds a little whiny now, and Soobin can't blame him. It's still raining, although it has faded to a soft drizzle, and Yeonjun probably hadn't planned on spending his birthday evening being dragged through the streets of Seoul. "You're gonna rip my arm out."

Soobin halts in his step. The streets are busy enough but the rain has definitely convinced plenty of people to stay inside tonight. Soobin doesn't blame them, thinks back to just half an hour ago when they were finally done cleaning up and taking a shower. He'd been excited about this, practically buzzing out of his skin, but seeing Yeonjun with no makeup, arms shoved into a cozy knitted sweater that was definitely too big for him almost made him falter. He could be snuggled up on the sofa at home, warm and dry, just enjoying the unreal feeling of Yeonjun being back in his arms. Instead, he's here - standing in the streets with rain making their once dry hair curl around their foreheads, a thin layer of droplets covering their coats.

"Sorry," he says as he turns around to face Yeonjun. Yeonjun squeezes his hand to let him know it's okay, that he's only kidding. "We're here anyway."

A frown settles deep into Yeonjun's forehead as he takes in his surroundings. They are standing on a smaller side street, blocks of cement surrounding them, and Soobin can't fault Yeonjun for not picking up on the neon sign hanging over the large entryway. It's turned off, something Taehyun takes care of each night (something about eco-friendliness), and so the words are a little hard to make out in the dark.

Soobin moves over to the side entry just around the corner, crouches down a little to get a better look at the keypad, Yeonjun right behind him.

"What are you doing?"

"Opening the door, what does it look like?"

"Are we breaking in?" There's an edge to Yeonjun's voice that makes Soobin bellow out a spark of laughter that's so loud it echoes down the street.

"Seriously?" he asks as he turns around to look at Yeonjun. "Yes baby, we're breaking in which is why I have the key code."

Yeonjun has the decency to look a little flustered but he covers it up immediately, a defiant look on his face. "I mean, you could be a hacker or something. I really don't know anything about you, honestly."

It's a joke. And Soobin could probably point out a million and one things Yeonjun does know about him. He knows Soobin's favorite tea, that he likes to fall asleep holding on to something, knows all his fears and hopes and dreams, especially when it comes to soulmates. He knows Soobin loves his family more than anything else. He could fill entire lists with things Choi Yeonjun knows about Choi Soobin and he would probably run out of space before he ran out of ideas. Instead, he punches in the keycode, waits for the tell-tale beep of the door unlocking.

"Sure you don't." He pushes against the door, the hall behind it dark and ominous. He doesn't blame Yeonjun for the skeptical look on his face. "Only one way to find out."

He extends his hand, and it's in the way that Yeonjun slips his own into it without a moment's hesitation that he knows Yeonjun would probably follow him anywhere if he just asked. It's a heavy realization in the best way possible. He beams at Yeonjun, watches the way a matching smile grows on Yeonjun's face.

Yeonjun lets out a deep sigh and to Soobin's surprise looks up at the night sky, little drops of rain clinging to his eyelashes.

"Sorry, mom. I'm in love with a criminal."

love you later | yeonbin ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя