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He doesn't wait for a reply, his heart pulling him towards his bedroom as if that's where the red string is sitting. He pushes the door open quietly, a soft chuckle escaping him when he sees the lump on the bed.

Yeonjun has crawled back into bed, blanket covering him up entirely as he's curled into a ball. Soobin walks over to the other side of the bed, sinks down onto the edge of the mattress, and gently tugs at the blanket. It doesn't give.

"Yeonjun," he says, his tone light.

"Yeonjun isn't here, please try again later."

Soobin barks out a laugh, tries pulling off the blanket once more. "That's too bad. I already miss him terribly, will you tell him that?"

For a moment all he can hear is shuffling underneath the blanket and then, all of a sudden, the covers are thrown back. Yeonjun's hair is even messier than before, his eyes clenched shut and he's biting his lip so hard it looks like it hurts. Soobin reaches up to cup his cheek, runs his thumb along Yeonjun's lower lip until he releases it, and takes a shuddering breath.

"There you are."

Yeonjun's eyes snap open and Soobin's heart lurches in his chest. They're glassy, and it makes the smile on Soobin's face tremble and fade away. Yeonjun doesn't look like he's on the verge of tears, not yet, but Soobin knows he's not too far from it either. He pulls him up into a seated position, cradles his face between his hands even as Yeonjun is avoiding his eyes.

"Oh baby, no. What's wrong?"

Yeonjun's nose scrunches up and it takes him a moment to reply.

"That was so embarrassing. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Soobin presses a kiss to Yeonjun's forehead, lips lingering until he feels some of the tension leaving Yeonjun's body. "Everything's fine, I promise. Could've been a lot worse, hm? What if you'd walked out naked?"

Yeonjun groans and falls forward against his chest, a hint of a chuckle shaking his body as Soobin's arms wrap around him.

"I mean, not that I would have complained."

"Shut up," Yeonjun giggles. He stays right where he is, his forehead pressed against Soobin's sternum. Soobin waits, gives him time to recompose himself because he can feel Yeonjun's heated skin through his shirt. He starts rubbing soft circles against his back, waits until Yeonjun pushes away a little, and looks up at him. His cheeks are still flushed slightly, but this time the hint of tears is gone from his eyes.

"I just-" he starts and stops to bite his lip again. His voice is small when he finally pushes the words out. "I just want them to like me."

"Well, tough luck, baby, because they love you already, and they haven't even met you yet."

"Soobin," Yeonjun whines. "I'm serious."

There's a pout on his lips and Soobin has to remind himself of the seriousness of the moment to stop himself from leaning in and kissing it away. Maybe later.

"So am I," he says, voice a little soberer now. "Yeonjun, I don't know how else to say this but you could probably... have a tail or wings, speak backward, or do anything really, and they would still love you. How could they not when you make me happier than I've ever been?"

Yeonjun's pout slips into a small O-shape, his eyes going wide as he takes in Soobin's words.

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do. You're good for me. Perfect, even. Anyone can see that."

And then suddenly a smile takes over Yeonjun's face so bright it almost hurts to look at. Soobin feels it pulling at his own lips, a matching smile on his face, and the only thing left for him to do is cup Yeonjun's cheeks once more and pull him in for a kiss. It's more clanking teeth than anything else, but it's hard to care when he feels like someone is pouring pure sunlight into his body. He's so happy he feels ready to burst at the seams.

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