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"Oh my god, is this you?" Yeonjun laughs.

Soobin isn't quite sure how he ended up here - wedged between his mother and Yeonjun, his grandmother on Yeonjun's other side. He kind of wants to implode, doesn't think he can take the humiliation any longer.

As expected, it hadn't taken Yeonjun long to fall into step with Soobin's family. They welcomed him with open arms, and even though Soobin knew they would, he still feels relief at the look of delight on Yeonjun's face. It's like he was always meant to be here with them, and it startles Soobin a little when he realizes that yes, he actually was.

But no matter how grateful he is, he still wishes he could have avoided this a moment longer. Maybe until their next visit at least. His grandmother had shown no mercy. She had grabbed the photo albums lining the shelves, gathering so much dust that it left patterns on the dark wood.

And now here he is, heat rising up his cheeks with every silly little anecdote his family shares about him. And although he grumbles and groans, he's not mad, not really. They've all been waiting to do this, and it's hard to hold any grudges when he sees the pride on their faces, hears Yeonjun's giggles right next to him.

"I think we should burn all photos from this period of my life," he says with a deadpan voice. He's joking, kind of, except when he sees a younger version of himself looking really silly with a weird hairstyle, he might have to rethink that.

"I think you were very cute," Yeonjun says, beaming up at him and there's not a single trace of sarcasm in his voice. Okay, so maybe this isn't so bad.

Still, he's grateful when his dad pokes his head inside the room, back from getting groceries.

"Soobin, help me unpack?"

With a squeeze to Yeonjun's knee and a kiss to his cheek that leaves Yeonjun wonderfully speechless and paints his cheeks red for once, he follows his dad towards the kitchen.

There are bags piled up on the kitchen table, and Soobin opens the first one, walking towards the fridge, and starts putting things away. It's a monotonous task, and they work silently for a while save for the sound of cabinet doors and drawers opening and closing.

At some point, he hears laughter ringing through the house. It's not anything unusual per se, his mother's bright laugh intertwined with his grandmother's deeper chuckle. Except now there is another sound mixed into it, something bright and warm that makes Soobin feel like someone is pouring pure sunlight into him, slow and sticky like honey. He doesn't even notice the chuckle leaving his lips, the fond shake of his head until his dad pauses and looks up at him.

"You happy, son?"

Soobin halts for a moment, though not because he has to think about it. He halts because he doesn't. The answer comes quickly to him, carried by the twinkle of Yeonjun's laugh.

"Yeah," he breathes out.

"Good," his dad nods, a smile blooming on his face. "He's good for you, I can tell. Reminds me of your mom and me."

Soobin doesn't know what to say to that, so he just smiles, gets back to work. He's putting the last box of tea away in its designated drawer when Yeonjun walks into the room.

"Hey," he beams at Soobin, laughter still sitting in the corner of his eyes.

"Hi. Embarrassed me enough?"

"For now," Yeonjun smirks at him.

"Great," Soobin rolls his eyes playfully. "Wanna go on a walk? I'll show you around."

At that, Yeonjun perks up. "Yeah, sure."

Ten minutes later they are bundled up with scarves and knitted hats, strolling down the street. There's not too much to do or see this time of year, but Soobin wants to share this with Yeonjun anyway. He grew up in the suburbs where the concrete walls. slowly made space for greenery and fields; it didn't feel like he was living in a city of over 2 million people.

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