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Soobin is in hell. Or maybe it's heaven, he isn't quite sure yet. It's almost enough to send him into an existential crisis - is it really hell if you're enjoying yourself? Because even though it has made him want to dissolve into a puddle on the floor on more than one occasion, he can't deny that there is something exhilarating about how shameless Yeonjun has gotten over the past couple of days. It's like a single silent admission that Soobin does in fact think he is attractive has unleashed something.

Now, Yeonjun does not miss a single opportunity to fluster him. At first, it's subtle things - an intense gaze that makes Soobin feel like his skin is going to catch on fire any moment, a hand that lingers just a little bit too long, and even if it's in harmless places it leaves a burning trail behind. It messes with Soobin's head, not quite sure if he's just imagining things or not. But then Yeonjun walks down the stairs one morning with his shirt untucked and completely unbuttoned.

Soobin chokes on his tea, coughs and splutters all over the kitchen floor, and even though he'd like to brush his blush off as a side effect of nearly dying, he knows he can't. Because Yeonjun only smirks, walks up to him, and brushes his thumb across his wet chin.

"Careful, darling," Yeonjun says, his morning voice husky and teasing. "You're making a mess of yourself."

It's almost enough to make Soobin gasp for air once again. Yeonjun, seemingly unbothered, only walks past him towards the coffee machine and within a couple of seconds, the scent of coffee fills the room. It's strong, and yet Soobin can't get the smell of peaches and vanilla out of his nose.

Yeonjun doesn't button up his shirt right away. He just leans against the counter, a cup of coffee in his hand as he talks about his schedule for the day, asks Soobin about his own plans. Soobin tries his best to focus, to keep his eyes on Yeonjun's face and give him coherent answers, but every now and then his gaze flickers down, trying to catch a hint of black ink or silver metal. It's almost bittersweet, something between relief and dread when Yeonjun finishes his coffee and moves his fingers towards the buttons on his shirt. Soobin can't help himself. His eyes follow Yeonjun's fingers as they start with the lowest button, moving up one at a time. It's when Yeonjun is done that Soobin finally looks up again, only to find Yeonjun's knowing eyes already resting on him. And for the second time that morning, he flushes a red so vivid it rivals the color of Yeonjun's shirt.

He can't find it in himself to care though, or to regret being caught staring because by now he's pretty sure Yeonjun likes the attention. He certainly doesn't do anything to stop him. If anything, he seems to invite it, delights in flustering Soobin. He's better at it than Soobin would like to admit.

It's all fun though. It's easy, light-hearted, and exciting in a way Soobin hasn't experienced in ages. Whenever he met someone new before, there was always this expectation tied to it. Dating was supposed to be fun but the thrill was lost quickly enough whenever he had to remind himself that he had no clue how things were going to end. The idea of soulmates and finding your true match tended to put a wall between him and his partners. Too many times he could tell that their hearts weren't really in it, that there was something holding them back from committing to him fully. And although Soobin has always been a romantic at heart, even he couldn't deny that he had found himself hesitating about how much he should share with his partners, too. How much he could bear to give away of himself.

Sometimes it felt like he'd given away too much, like the only thing remaining was an empty shell of the person he used to be. It was scary not knowing if his partners would treasure the pieces of himself he gave up, would keep them safe, or if they would leave them crumbled on the floor when they inevitably left his life. Being around Yeonjun feels nothing like that. Even though he never would have expected it, they seem to be on the same wavelength. And at least this time he doesn't have to wonder if this was going to last. Because at the end of the day, he is here for Yeonjun's help. They have a goal in mind, and as soon as the pesky string on Soobin's finger was cut, he'd be leaving. There is a timer on whatever this is anyway. It keeps him from wondering too much, from worrying and grasping at things to make it last. It's fine, nothing he hasn't known all along.

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