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Soobin is walking along the Han River, a to-go cup filled with tea in his hands and lost in his thoughts. He's been back in Seoul for about a week now, August fading into September, the air growing chilly and nature turning golden. He loves the season, loves to see everything around him change; the heat of summer is no longer sticking between the concrete walls and it's almost cold enough for him to pull out his scarves again. September is unpredictable, some days streaked with rain, but today is bright and sunny, the warmth on his face lighting him up inside too.

He's been using his time more deliberately, has gone back into his office at the gallery more days than not, and even though he still misses the calm of the woods sometimes, he settles back into his life. Sometimes it will still catch him off guard when the scent of the forest soil wafts up his nose even though he's in the middle of the city. It's easy to fall back in love with his work, the upcoming exhibition keeping everyone busy, but he finds that he no longer fits into the contours of his life as easily, as effortlessly. It makes him wonder if he ever really did or if he'd just gotten too comfortable with where his life was headed before he left for his trip.

He's deep in thought, doesn't watch where he's going, his eyes panning across the river when he suddenly collides with something. He jumps, whirls around, and is about to apologize but the words get stuck in his throat.

"Oh, I'm sor- Soobin?"

Soobin's eyes go wide, quickly scanning the scene. In front of him is a beautiful young woman, hair long and wavy, a shocked but friendly expression on his face. It takes him about half a second to recognize who it is - Yerim, his second girlfriend. Well, ex- girlfriend.

"Oh, hey. I'm sorry," he says sheepishly. "I didn't watch where I was going, I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"Don't worry about it," she says, a sparkle in her eyes. She looks way too excited to see him, an energy Soobin can't quite match. He has never actually run into his exes, and he would have liked to keep it that way. He's over it, has been for years, but it's still an odd feeling, especially when he takes in the way Yerim's hands are entangled with someone else's, pulling at the guy's arm excitedly. "How have you been? This is Sangcheol, my soulmate."

Soobin barely musters up a smile, the strain almost unbearable. He hates this, hates it so much and all he wants to do is escape. The last thing he needed was physical proof that people were better off without him, that his exes were out there finding the person they truly belonged to..

And yet, he nods politely and says, "Nice to meet you. I've been good."

The lie leaves a bitter aftertaste on his tongue, but Yerim doesn't need to know that. They're not close, not anymore, and if there was a time he'd shared his deepest, darkest secrets and worries with her, those days were long gone.

"That's good to hear. Hey, have you ever met them? Your soulmate?"

It feels like a punch to the gut. He heaves out a weak chuckle, tries to mask the pain unraveling inside of him as he swallows. Yerim is watching him. expectantly, and she looks so hopeful he can't even be mad at her. It had been a gentle breakup, one of those occasions he'd been handled with as much care as possible. Seeing her now, it's not hard for him to believe that she wants what's best for him, genuinely hopes that he's found someone too.

"Yeah," he croaks out. "I have."

They chat for just a moment longer, but Soobin's thoughts are far away in rooms flooded by sunlight, bathing in the scent of peaches, hands pressed against pink cheeks, and running through hair that flashes a different color each time he blinks. Eventually, Yerim must notice he's not quite here in the moment, and with a gentle squeeze to his arm, they say goodbye and leave.

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