The Caretaker-Chapter 4

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The daughter follows Tom and Harry in while they scan the barn "see? Nothing but hay." she said.

Harry keeps scanning "there is a life form here. Just one." he said "where?" Tom asked heading over to Harry, "it's everywhere. I'm also reading some kind of matrix-processing device. It may be the holographic generator. Paris, humanoid life signs over here. I'm reading a Vulcan, several humans and two half Klingons." said Harry "two half Klingons?" Tom asked, Harry shrugged. 

The daughter blocked the door leading to the room "I'm not ready for you yet!" she yelled and the dog snarls at Harry and Tom, Tom taps his combadge "Paris to Janeway." the daughter punches Tom knocking him into a sheep cage thing.

Janeway taps her combadge "Janeway here. Paris?" when Tom doesn't respond Janeway gestures to the other officers "Come on!" they all follow her 

Adah appears from thin air with a pitchfork, then the rest of the farmers. Janeway and four crew run in and the door closes behind them. "Very well. Since no one seems to care for any corn, we'll have to proceed ahead of schedule." said Adah. 

The barn wall disappears to reveal a high-tech room that goes on into the distance. Chakotay, B'Elanna, Amanda and Tuvok are lying on narrow ledges with a long needles sticking into their abdomens. 

Just as the farmers and Voyager crew vanish we see that all the Maquis are there. The next shot is of Janeway having her stomach skewered and her passing out. Tom is next to her and across the aisle Harry screams.

The crew wake up, Janeway wakes up where she was in engineering. "Janeway to Bridge. Anybody there?" she asks "yes, Captain. We're here." said Rollins "how long were we over there?" Janeway asks.

On the bridge Rollins answers "almost three days." "three days?" Janeway asked slightly shocked. "Captain, the Maquis ship is powering up its engines." said Rollins.

"Tractor them All senior officers, report" said Janeway.

In sickbay Tom reappears. "To the Bridge immediately." said Janeway over com. "Excuse me. Could you explain what has transpired?" asked the Doctor, Tom ignores him wondering where Amanda and Harry are "Computer, locate Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Torres." said Tom. "Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Torres are not on board." said the Computer.

Tom sighed and tapped his combadge "Paris to Janeway." "go ahead." said Janeway. 

On the Bridge Janeway listened to Tom.

"Kim and Torres didn't come back with us. They must still be over there." he said worried for his friends. "Acknowledged. Computer, how many crewmen are unaccounted for?" Janeway said "Two Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Amanda Torres." said the Computer.

"Hail the Maquis." Chakotay's face appears on the screen "Commander Chakotay. My name is Captain Kathryn Janeway." said Janeway "how do you know my name?" Chakotay asks untrusting. "We were on a mission to find you when we were brought here by the array. Two of our crewmen are missing. Were they transported back to your ship by accident?" "No. A member of our crew is missing too. B'Elanna Torres, my engineer." Tom looks up at the mention of the last name of B'Elanna, same one as Amanda but Amanda never mentioned she had a sister but it would make sense with the two half Klingon readings Harry got before he disappeared. "Commander, you and I have the same problem. I think it makes sense to try and solve it together, don't you?" asked Janeway hoping for an alliance to get everyone's crewmembers back in one piece. "Three of us will transport to your ship."

The transmission ends.

"They're powering down their engines, dropping their shields." said. Tom enters. Chakotay, Tuvok and Ayala beam in holding guns. "Watch out, Captain. They're armed." said Rollins "put down your weapons. You won't need those here." Janeway heads over to Tuvok, the resident Vulcan "It's good to have you back, Mister Tuvok."

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