Heroes and Demons-Chapter 33

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[Holodeck - Great Hall]

"Hail, Lord Hrothgar! I bring a new friend, Schweitzer, who has come to destroy Grendel. Greet him well." said Freya. "I would bid you welcome to my hall, but the days of glad tidings are gone from this place." said Hrothgar. "I'm sorry to hear that, but with your permission, sir, I'd like to stay here tonight and wait for Grendel." said the Doctor. "To what purpose? To raise false hopes again, as have others before you? Leave us alone in our misery." said Unferth. "I'm afraid I can't do that. I have a mission." replies the Doctor. "Your name means nothing to me. There are no songs of your deeds nor stories of the battles you have fought. Who are you to believe you can slay Grendel?" asked Unferth. "I'm simply a warrior. I'm only concerned with Grendel. I have no quarrel with you." said the Doctor. "Indeed you do. And if you will fight Grendel, then you will first prove your worth to me. Defend yourself!" exclaimed Unferth.

The EMH puts down his tricorder and takes the sword which Freya holds out to him. "Fate be with you." said Freya. It is a heavy two-handed sword. The warriors laugh. The EMH parries two blows, barely. "If this is your best, then you should thank me. Grendel would destroy you with far greater ease than I." said Unferth. "This is absurd." said the Doctor. The EMH puts the sword on a bench. "So be it." said Unferth. His swing goes straight through the EMH and the sword hits the floor, hurting his wrist. Unferth falls to his knees in pain. "You might want to put some ice on that. It'll take down the swelling." remarks the Doctor. "Our time of deliverance is at hand. We have been given a new champion, one whom weapons cannot hurt! The one who will destroy Grendel and end our suffering! All hail the hero! All hail Schweitzer!" exclaimed Freya with joy. "All hail Schweitzer! Schweitzer!" everyone said, cheering for the EMH.

Later, at table. "Eat. Eat." said Hrothgar. "What is it?" asked the Doctor hesitantly. "Elk. When I built this hall, the forest ran thick with them. But today, game's more scarce. Enjoy it, Lord Schweitzer. It is a great delicacy in our land." said Hrothgar. "It's quite good." said the Doctor. "We rarely hear stories of other lands. Honour us with a tale of your home to gladden our hearts." said Hrothgar. "I'm not much of a storyteller." said the Doctor. "Please, indulge us." said Hrothgar. "Yes. Tell us a tale of your prowess in battle." said Unferth, his pride still wounded from what happened earlier. "Well, there was the time I managed to stop the spread of Paronisti measles before it became epidemic. For a while, things were touch-and-go. Six people came down with it. Fortunately, I was able to isolate the endoplasmic virus and replicate it in order to form an antibody. Even then, it wasn't altogether clear I could create an effective vaccine, but I worked at it for seventy four hours straight and managed to create an inoculation that successfully protected the crew." said the Doctor.

"You'll excuse me, my lord, if I take leave of this folly." said Unferth, miffed before walking off. "A truly unique tale. Come, Lord Schweitzer. Allow me to show you my home. If you are in need of anything, please do not hesitate to ask." said Hrothgar. "All I need is to find Grendel." said the Doctor. "You're a true champion, always ready for the fight. Ah, perhaps you would like some mead to fortify yourself for the battle." said Hrothgar. "No, thank you. I'm fine." said the Doctor as someone bought over the mead, Hrothgar sent them away. "Away! You're disturbing Lord Schweitzer! It was with that weapon I made my first kill. I was eleven years old." he said. "You killed someone when you were eleven?" asked the Doctor appalled. "Well, it's a poor weapon, I agree, but a token of my youth. You must have similar trophies from your own childhood." said Hrothgar. "I don't remember much about my childhood." said the Doctor, well he didn't actually have a childhood but anyway. "Well, I'm certain you distinguished yourself in battle many times and did honour to your father." said Hrothgar. "My lord! It grows late. It is time to retire." said Unferth. "Always with you it is time to sleep. Perhaps you have forgotten that the work of a warrior is battle not rest. You would do well to learn from Lord Schweitzer. This was a beautiful hall once, before Grendel. You will make it so again. You have our thanks." Hrothgar says the the Doctor. "I appreciate your faith in me, sire." the Doctor said.

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