Life Signs-Chapter 78

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[Mess Hall]

Harry and Amanda had agreed to meet up for breakfast, something they hadn't done for quite some time.

"So what's up with Tom?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I don't think Chakotay likes it thought." Amanda said.

She eyed the door as it opened when Christina and B'Elanna walked in, B'Elanna was laughing at something Christina said.

"Harry?" Amanda asked.

She turned back to her friend.

"Mhm." Harry replied as he was chewing something, he made a slight face.

Amanda chuckled.

"How are you at making betting pools?" Amanda asked.

"Brilliant, why?" Harry asked.

"Can you make one on when Chris and B'Elanna are going to get together, I mean it's obvious. Anyone can see they're in love with each other." Amanda said.

"I'll get on it." said Harry.


Paris rushes onto the bridge.

"Sorry I'm late, but I have a very good excuse. Picture this. I'm just getting ready to leave the Mess hall, when Ensign Wildman goes into labour. What else could I do but deliver the baby? Oh, you should've been there, Harry. There is nothing like bringing a new life into the world. I think I missed my calling. (Harry glances at Chakotay.) What if I told you the turbolift got stuck on deck six?" Tom asked weakly.

Amanda holds back a snort.

"This is the third time you've been late this week, Mister Paris." Chakotay said not looking up.

"It won't happen again." said Tom.

"Commander, I am picking up a distress call on one of the upper subspace bands." Amanda said.

"What's the source?" Chakotay asked.

"A small spacecraft. No weapon systems. One life form aboard. Extremely weak life signs." said Christina.

"Slow to half impulse." said Chakotay.

"According to the bioscanner, it's a Vidiian female." Christina said.

She frowned, B'Elanna had told her what the Vidiian's did to both Torres's.

"Open a channel." said Janeway.

"No response." Amanda replied.

"She may be too sick." said Chakotay.

"Or maybe it's some kind of trick." Tom adds.

"Preliminary scans show no other Vidiian ships in this sector. It is unlikely that this is a trap." said Tuvok.

"Commander Chakotay, notify the Doctor. Mister Kim, beam the woman to Sickbay." Janeway said.

"Aye, Captain." said Harry.


"Her renal organs are functioning at twenty percent of normal and her cardiovascular system is on the verge of collapse." Kes said.

"Twenty milligrams of lectrazine." said the Doctor.

"Cardiovascular and renal systems are stabilising, but her neural patterns are fading. What is it?" Kes asked.

"In her parietal lobe. It looks like some sort of implant. It's a very complex web of bioneural circuitry. Nanofibres." the Doctor said.

"Could this be what's causing the problem?" Kes asked.

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