Tuvix-Chapter 89

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[Kim's quarters]

Clarinet practice.

"Sickbay to Ensign Kim. Please turn to your Emergency Medical Holographic Channel." said the Doctor.

"How can I help you, Doc?" Harry asked.

"Suppose I found a radioisotope that could selectively attach itself to specific DNA sequences. Could the surgical transporters be reprogrammed to lock onto those enhanced sequences and separate them from the remaining DNA?" the Doctor asked.

"Well, I think so, but we'd have to modify the molecular imaging scanners and find a way to compensate for the higher levels of radiation." said Harry.

"Thank you, Ensign." said the Doctor.

"Wait a second. What's going on?" Harry asked.

"It's pure speculation at this point. I'll let you know when I've learned more." said the Doctor.

"This is about Tuvix, isn't it? I'm on my way." said Harry.


"Eight ball, corner pocket. That's game again, Commander." said Tuvix.

"We've created a monster." Tom and Amanda said.

"Best out of five?" Chakotay asked.

Kes enters.

"Would you mind if we finish this later, Commander?" Tuvix asked.

"Not at all." Chakotay replied.

Tom takes Tuvix's cue and gives it to Amanda.

"Hi." said Kes.

"Hi. Well, how've you been?" Tuvix asked.

"Good days and bad days. You?" Kes asked.

"Me too." Tuvix replied.

"Listen, I'm sorry I've been so distant lately." Kes apologises.

"Kes, you don't owe me an explanation." Tuvix comments.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking. And I'm hoping that we can be friends." said Kes.

"I would like that very much." Tuvix said.

"And I'd like our friendship to grow." said Kes.

"You would?" Tuvix asked.

"Yes. But it's going to take time." Kes said.

"I'm not going anywhere." said Tuvix.

"Doctor to Lieutenant Tuvix." said the Doctor.

"Tuvix here." Tuvix replied.

"Please report to Sickbay immediately." said the Doctor.


Harry and the EMH are briefing Janeway, Tuvix and Kes.

"Until late in the twenty first century, physicians administered barium to patients with certain gastrointestinal disorders. The radioactive properties of the barium made the lining of the intestines visible with a primitive imaging technology called X-rays." said the Doctor.

"Instead of barium, we've come up with a radioisotope that attaches itself to the DNA of one of the merged species, but not the other." said Harry.

"Then we simply beam out the selected DNA and segregate the two merged species." said the Doctor.

"You see these? They used to be a single merged flower." said Harry.

"And you can use the same process?" Kes asked.

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