The 37's-Chapter 43

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"The compass isn't working." Amelia said.

"I know what we've told you sounds hard to believe, but there was a time when no one believed that a woman could fly across the Atlantic. Now, people are able to travel between the stars. The galaxy is full of many different species. For instance, this young woman isn't human, she's an Ocampa." Janeway says.

She pushes back Kes's hair to reveal her pointed ears.

"I've been on expeditions all over the world, and I've seen people do all kinds of strange things to their bodies. That doesn't mean that Martians have invaded Earth." said Amelia

"Actually it was the other way around. Mars was colonised by people from Earth in 2103." Harry said.

Christina stomped on Harry's foot.

"That's enough! All of you just go over there and sit down and keep quiet." Noonan said.

Harry limped over, glaring at Christina.

[Cargo bay]

Tuvok hands out phaser rifles from a weapons locker.

"The trinimbic interference has affected the transporter's targeting scanners. We can't beam into the chamber so we'll have to go on foot." Chakotay said.

"We will deploy throughout the caves, sealing off any exit from the chamber." Tuvok explained.

"Let's go." said Amanda.


Noonan takes a swig from a hip flask.

"Now is probably not the best time for that, Fred." Amelia says.

"Just a little pick me up." Noonan replies.

"He's had a few nips from that flask, Captain. We could probably rush him, get the gun." Tom said.

"Let me try to talk to Earhart first. She seems reasonable. Maybe I can get through to her. Miss Earhart?" Janeway said.

Amelia walks over.

"I want you to know you've always been an inspiration to me. Because of you, generations of women have become pilots." Janeway explains.

"Generations. What's your name?" Amelia asked.

"Kathryn Janeway." Janeway said.

"I heard the Commander call you Captain. What exactly do you captain?" Amelia asked.

"The Federation Starship Voyager." said Janeway almost proudly.

"Starship. That supposed to mean it flies through space?" Amelia asked.

"That's right." Janeway said.

"That isn't possible. Only in books. H G Wells, Jules Verne." Amelia replies bluntly.

"Maybe if you saw it you'd think otherwise." said Janeway.

"Saw it? Where is it?" Amelia asked interested.

"On the surface. We're actually about a hundred metres underground now. If you'd come with me to see Voyager, you'd realise that what we're telling you is true." said Janeway.

"And risk a trap? No, you could have hundreds of reinforcements up there." Amelia said.

"I assure you, we have no interest in harming you. We took you out of stasis to help you." Janeway tried to reassure Amelia.

"Put yourself in my shoes, Captain. If you were me, would you believe your story?" Amelia asked.

"Maybe not. Let me tell you some of what happened after you disappeared over the Pacific. No trace of you or your plane was ever found, in spite of a massive search. Over the years there was a lot of speculation about your flight, including the rumour that it was financed by the Government and may have been part of an operation to gather information about the Japanese." Janeway said.

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