The Thaw-Chapter 87

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[Fantasy land]

The Clown is sulking.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Spectre yelled.

"Go away. I want to be alone." huffed the Clown.

"You're ruining the festival." said Spectre.

"Don't be a poop." said the Little Woman.

"I can't help it. I'm feeling sorry for myself." said the Clown.

"Well, don't take it out on us." the Little Woman said.

"Take it out on them." said Spectre.

"You people. You wonderful people. My friends. You do know how to make a man feel better, don't you? Okay, then, what shall we play? Ah, the insect game." said the Clown.

"Yes, yes, the insect game." said Spectre.

(he Clown starts pretending to snatch at flies when the EMH is in front of him.

"You again? You're the one who ruined my mood. You and your sweet Captain." said the Clown.

"My sweet Captain has a new offer to make." said the Doctor.

"No simulated brains. I want real brains." said the Clown.

"The Captain is prepared to give you a cloaking device." said the Doctor.

"I already have a cloaking device. Thank you anyway." said the Clown.

The Clown wears a cloak.

"I'm talking about a device that would shield you from being detected by any other interstellar visitors." said the Doctor.

[Cargo Bay 1]

"There are almost forty pathways to disable, Captain, but I should be able to get it done in under two minutes." B'Elanna said.

"Good. Let's get started." said Janeway.

[Fantasy land]

"We will return your entire computer system to the subterranean locale where we found it. With the help of Mister Kim, Miss Torres and a team of Starfleet engineers, it will be an easy matter to install the cloaking device, which will insure your safety for the foreseeable future." said the Doctor.

"Mandy, is this possible?" the Clown asked.

"Yes." said Amanda.

"I don't know if I believe you. I don't know yet, but I'll know soon if you're telling the truth. You can't fool me. What does she want in return? And don't say the hostages because I'm not giving them up." said the Clown.

In the background items start to disappear.

"You have to understand that the Captain's primary concern is the safety of the hostages." said the Doctor.

"She's such a warm and noble person. I'd love her to come to one of my parties someday. What if I promise to take really good care of my guests? We could be more than friends. We could be colleagues. I'm really not such a bad fellow." said the Clown.

"What's happening?" Spectre asked.

Spectre disappears.

"You tricked me! It's an attack! It's an attack! Red alert! Red alert! You! You warned them! You told them how it could be done. Take him!" the Clown yelled.

The characters grab Viorsa.

"No! Please, no!" the Kohl Woman begged.

[Cargo Bay 1]

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