Innocence-Chapter 85

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"There were no other lifeforms and no unusual energy readings within sensor range all night." said Tuvok.

"It was the Morrok. Why don't you believe me?" Tressa asked.

"Very well, I'll investigate. I'd like you to wait here while I look inside the cave." Tuvok said.

"But if you go in there, you won't come out." said Tressa.

"I will take every possible precaution. I believe you can be responsible with this. Aim like this and press here to fire. I'll seal the shuttle's door while I am gone." Tuvok said.

"No, Tuvok, don't leave me all by myself, please." Tressa begged.

"If there is anything in the cave, it may help us determine what has been happening here. It is very important to gather as much as information as possible." said Tuvok.

"I'm scared." Tressa admits.

"We often fear what we do not understand. Our best defence is knowledge. You must trust me, Tressa. I will return shortly." Tuvok said.

"Promise?" Tressa asked.

"I will not abandon you." said Tuvok, reassuring the young girl.

Tuvok hands the phaser to Tressa, leaves and closes the shuttle hatch. He goes into the cave and finds Corin's clothes and boots, then two more sets. He returns to the shuttle.

"What did you see in there?" Tressa asked.

"I realise it may frighten you, but you must hear the truth. Suffice it to say, I did not find the other children, nor do I have any explanation of what happened to them." said Tuvok.

"I'm going to be next, aren't I? There's nothing we can do about it." said Tressa.

"The disappearances have occurred only at night. We will attempt to leave here before the sun sets." Tuvok said.

"I'll really be quiet this time. I won't touch anything." said Tressa.

"That would make it difficult for you to assist me with repairs." said Tuvok.


"The Drayans have just sent another shuttle down to the moon, Captain." said Tom.

"There must be at least twenty people on the surface. I can't tell if the two life forms we detected before are still there." said Harry.

"How many search parties could it take to find two crash victims?" Chakotay asked.

"Captain, there's a break in the turbulence. I'm picking up a comm. signal." said Amanda.

"Tuvok to Voyager. Voyager, do you read?" Tuvok asked.

"We read you, Tuvok. Are you all right?" Janeway asked.

"Yes, Captain, but Ensign Bennet is dead." said Tuvok.

"We know. we've been trying to get you off the surface but we're having some trouble with the Drayans. They insist on sending their own search parties." Janeway said.

"Yes. I have been avoiding them." said Tuvok.

"Why?" Janeway asked.

"I have a young girl with me who claims they have come to kill her. I was reluctant to believe it at first, but several other children have disappeared." said Tuvok.

"There's nothing I can do, Captain. The signal's breaking up." said Amanda.

"Tuvok, what happened to the other children?" Janeway asked.

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