Twisted-Chapter 53

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[Holodeck - Sandrine's]

"Come on, pal. One lousy game. Spot you six balls." said Gaunt Gary, he was trying to convince the Doctor to play pool.

"I'm not programmed to play games." said the Doctor.

"If he won't play pool with you and he won't make love to me, then as far as I'm concerned, he can mop the floor." Sandrine huffed.

She tried to hand him a mop and bucket.

"You see these hands? These are surgeon's hands, created by the most sophisticated computer imaging technology available. They do not play games, and they do not mop floors." said the Doctor.

"Then you are fired. I will find a new bartender." Sandrine said.

"I really wish you would." the Doctor said.

Kes runs in.

"Doctor!" Kes said.

"Oh, please tell me you've had some success in reinitialising the holoemitters." said the Doctor.

"I did exactly what you told me, but it didn't work." Kes said.

"Of course not." said the Doctor.

"I'm starting to get worried about Neelix. What's taking them so long?" Kes asked.

"Ah, trust me, cherie. You are better off without him. All men are alike. In the end, they always break your heart." said Sandrine

"Can we get some help here?" Christina snapped.

Christina and Harry carry Janeway in.

"What happened to her?" the Doctor asked.

"She came into contact with the spatial distortions in the Jefferies Tube. She seemed fine for a couple of minutes, but then she started to fade in and out of consciousness." Harry explained.


"I believe we should go this way, Commander." said Tuvok,

"What makes you say that?" Chakotay asked.

"If we are indeed trapped in some sort of labyrinth, then the logical course is to systematically eliminate all routes which do not lead us to our desired destination. The route that remains will be the correct one. Since we have been making a series of right turns, we should continue to do so, until we are certain this path is not the proper one." Tuvok explained.

"There's a flaw in your logic." Chakotay pointed out.

"How so, Commander?" Tuvok wanted to know.

"You're assuming there's a logical pattern to this maze we're caught in, but so far I haven't seen any evidence of that." Chakotay said.

"Even within chaotic systems, there is a pattern of limited predictability." Tuvok states.

"By the time we figure that pattern out, these distortions may have completely overrun the ship." Chakotay said.

"That is a possibility." Tuvok replied.

"The important thing is for at least one of us to make it back to the Bridge. So why don't you go your way and I'll go mine? That way we'll increase the chances that one of us will be successful." suggested Chakotay.

"As you wish, Commander." Tuvok said.

They head in opposite directions, and meet again at the next intersection.

"Tell me something, Tuvok. What does your logic tell you about navigating a maze that's constantly changing shape?" Chakotay asked.


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