Cold Fire-Chapter 60

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"Ten months ago, the crew of Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant by an entity known as the Caretaker." said the Narrator.

"Not enough time!" the Caretaker yelled.

"When he died, Voyager's best chance of getting home died with him, but he revealed one hopeful possibility." the Narrator continued.

"There is another like me. She left hundreds of years ago, but she's out there, somewhere." the Caretaker said.

[Tuvok's quarters]

Incense is burning and the lights are lowered. Tuvok initiates a mind meld with Kes.

"Open yourself to the impressions around you. The thoughts, the minds that are on this ship. What do you hear?" Tuvok asked.

"Voices. So many voices." Kes replied.

"I believe you are sensing the thoughts of various crewmembers on board." Tuvok said.

"What should I do?" Kes asked.

"See if you can isolate one of the voices. Imagine you are listening to a symphony and focusing on a single instrument." Tuvok explained.

"It's working." Kes said joyfully

"Try to maintain your emotional equanimity. You should not be concerned with success or failure." Tuvok said.

"way too much now. Don't touch the sideburns." Neelix's voice said.

"It's Neelix! I can hear Neelix's thoughts." Kes said.

"That is not unexpected. You have an emotional attachment to him which may have drawn your focus." said Tuvok.

"My scalp itches. Maybe I should tell him about that shampoo of his." Neelix's voice says once again.

"I think he's getting a haircut." Kes said.

"Oh no! He's trimmed the ear hairs. I told him the ear hairs were the perfect length! Not the ear hairs!" Neelix's voice cried.

Kes laughs, and Tuvok breaks the link.

"If you are to succeed in honing your telepathic abilities, you must learn to control these emotional outbursts." Tuvok said.

"Outburst? It was a giggle." Kes replied.

"Tomorrow I will teach you a Vulcan mind control technique that will help you inhibit your giggles." Tuvok said.

"Thanks, Tuvok." Kes said.

"You may go." Tuvok replied.


"You're late." the Doctor said.

"Sorry. My lesson with Lieutenant Tuvok went on a little long today." Kes defended.

"Today, yesterday and the day before. You'd think a Vulcan would be more attuned to punctuality." the Doctor remarks.

"I'll try to keep a closer eye on the time from now on." Kes said.

"So, how was school today?" the Doctor asked.

"Wonderful. Tuvok helped me with a sensory focus exercise. We worked on my pre-cognitive skills and I learned how to self-induce a hypergogic mental state." Kes said.

"Sounds stimulating." the Doctor said.

"He says I'm making excellent progress." Kes said.

"I had no doubt that you would. But I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't let these mind studies interfere with your--" the Doctor began.

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