Maneuvers-Chapter 63

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"I have located the Nistrim vessel on long-range sensors. Distance, point four light years. However, they are not alone. There are now at least six other Kazon ships in the immediate vicinity." Tuvok said.

"I didn't think Culluh had that many ships." Janeway said.

"They must belong to enemy sects." Neelix said.

"That may be so, but the ships have not powered their weapons systems." Tuvok said.

"What do you make of it, Neelix?" Janeway asked.

NEELIX: It's certainly unusual for rival Kazon sects to congregate peacefully.

"Is it possible the Nistrim have formed an alliance with other sects?" Janeway asked.

"I've never known the Kazon to do anything like that before." Neelix admits.

"If the Nistrim have added six ships to their force, it would be tactically unwise to engage them." Tuvok states.

"Then we'll just have to find a way of getting Chakotay out of there without picking a fight." Janeway said.

"We can transport him out." B'Elanna suggested.

"We would have to slow down once within transporter range, giving the Kazon ample time to open fire." Tuvok said.

"Not necessarily. We could beam him out at warp speed without even slowing down. The Kazon would never be able to catch us." said B'Elanna.

"That's difficult enough when both ships are travelling at warp. The Kazon ship's not even moving." Harry said.

"I can compensate for that." B'Elanna said.

"How?" Janeway asked.

"By synchronising the transporter's annular confinement beam to the warp core frequency." said B'Elanna.

"Maybe, but at a relative speed of two billion kilometers per second, it's pretty tough to get a lock on somebody." Harry said.

"Ensign Kim is correct. We would risk scrambling his transporter signal and killing him. It would be a direct violation of Starfleet's safety protocols." Tuvok states.

"Do you have a better idea? Trust me, Captain. I can do it." B'Elanna said.

"How can you be so sure?" Janeway asked.

"Because I've done it before. When you're a Maquis, you don't always have the luxury of following protocols." B'Elanna admits.

"You're kidding, that's so dangerous." Amanda said.

"I know, but I had no choice." B'Elanna replies.

[Kazon briefing room]

"Ah, Jal Surat of the Mostral. May I present Jal Loran of the Hobii, and Jal Valek of the Oglamar." Culluh said.

"We've met before, in battle." Surat says bluntly.

"Please, Jal Surat, sit down. Today is the day Kazon children will remember for generations. Today is the day we put aside our differences and join forces to defeat Voyager. Today is the day that marks the end of the supremacy of the Relora and the Ogla, because after today, we will have the Federation technology. And the other sects will run when they see us." said Culluh.

"That's a fine speech, Culluh, but what makes you think Voyager won't use this technology to defeat us?" Surat asked.

"Because I have Voyager's command codes." Culluh said smugly.

"I have heard what you did to the Relora Maje and his companion. Very impressive. But before I make an enemy of these Federations, I want proof that you have their command codes." Surat says.

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