State of Flux-Chapter 30

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[Planet surface]

Carey comes running down the valley side with a large fruit in his hand. "Commander! Look at this. I think they're some kind of apple. There are trees filled with them as far as the eye can see, just over that ridge." he said as Neelix came over and grabbed the apple. "Kaylos. Ah. Aren't they gorgeous? One bite'll kill you. Puff you up like a vakol fish. First your windpipe swells, and just when you think you're going to die of suffocation, ow! Oh, you get a sharp pain in your knees, which begins to work its way right up to-" Neelix said pointing. Chakotay stops Neelix's pointing finger. "I think we get the picture." Chakotay said. "Sorry, Mister Carey. Just remember the old trader's axiom. Never judge a fruit by its skin. Er, on the other hand, take a bite." said Neelix. He hands Chakotay a mandrake type root with some leaves on top. "What is it?" asked Chakotay cautiously. "A leola root." replied Neelix

Chakotay takes a bite, then spits it out. "You expect us to eat this?" asked Chakotay. "This is the reason I brought you here, Commander. There's no better source of vitamins and minerals in the quadrant than in this, this ugly little root." said Neelix. "I'd find the second best source acceptable if it tasted better." replied Chakotay. "You humans! You're not used to roughing it, are you? Well, you take it from one who knows. The day may come when you'll relish every last crunch of leola." said Neelix. They start pulling them out of the ground. "Stewed for a few hours in a light herbal broth, you wouldn't even notice the mildew." Neelix said causing Chakotay and Carey share a look.


"Captain, I don't think we're alone. Mister Tuvok, run a lateral EM scan for me. Coordinates eight one mark four zero." said Tom, Amanda was reading a PADD while sitting in her chair given that she had nothing better to do. "Running scan." said Tuvok. "What do you see, Mister Paris?" asked Janeway, she was as bored as Amanda. "It's like a reflection, something in low orbit when it moves into a certain angle from the sun." said Tom. 

"He's correct. I am picking up an ionization trail. There is another ship in orbit." said Tuvok. "Using some kind of cloaking device." said Amanda interested. "It's not a cloaking device as we know it, Captain, Commander. I cannot say for certain what it is, but the ship does employ some kind of masking circuitry that has affected our sensors." said Tuvok. "Voyager to Away team." said Amanda. "Go ahead, Mandy." said Chakotay. "Any unexpected-" Amanda said.

[Planet Surface]

"Life signs down there, Commander?" she asked. "Nothing but bloodworms. Neelix wants to bring some back for a tartar" said Chakotay.


"He wants to make. I'm trying to talk him out of it." he said, Amanda looked disgusted. 

"We're picking up an unidentified ship in low orbit. Collect your teams and prepare to transport back while we investigate." said Janeway. "Acknowledged." said Chakotay.

[Planet Surface]

"Chakotay out. All units, report to transport site A immediately." he said.


"Captain, I believe a polaron burst may give us visual contact." said Tuvok. "Do it." said Janeway. The brief flash reveals the silhouette of a ship. "Kazon." said Amanda. "The hull design does conform to known specifications of the Kazon-Nistrim sect." said Tuvok. "Voyager to Away teams. Return to the ship immediately." said Janeway. "Acknowledged-" said Chakotay.

[Planet Surface]

"Captain. Transporter Room, get ready to begin on my command." he said, Harry came over. "Where's Ensign Seska?" he asked. "Chakotay to Seska. Transporter room, can you locate Ensign Seska's comm. badge signal?" Chakotay asked. "Negative, Commander. I'm not reading any sign of her." said the crewman in the transporter room. "She was picking berries with our group over by the hillside. There were caves nearby." said Harry. "If she went inside one, it might be blocking her comm. badge signal. The rest of you get back to the ship. I'm going to look for her." said Chakotay.

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