Prototype-Chapter 66

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[Transporter Room]

In deep space, something watches Voyager approach. It is then beamed aboard, and we get its viewpoint in black and white.

"It's extraordinary." Amanda said in awe.

"I must remind you that it is also a potential security risk." Tuvok said.

"It's losing power. I'd like to move it to Engineering to see if I can repair it before it drains completely." B'Elanna said.

"I suggest we allow the power to drain. We should take the opportunity to examine it while it is idle. Then we can decide if it is wise to repair it." Tuvok said.

"Captain, this thing has a completely unfamiliar power source. Once it stops working it's very possible Lanna and I won't be able to get it going again, and we'll have lost an opportunity to study a new technology." Amanda said.

"This is a ship of exploration, Mister Tuvok." Janeway said.


Still black and white, from the object's viewpoint.

"The power's surging. If we can't find a way to stabilise it, we're going to lose it." said B'Elanna.

"What about an interface with an EPS power conduit?" Harry asked.

"Well, the energy signatures are incompatible, but it might buy us some time. Okay, let's give it a try. Two second burst, five percent maximum output. On my mark. Now. We're losing it." said Amanda.

"Maybe we're overloading it's systems." Harry suggested.

"Let's try a longer burst at lower power." said B'Elanna.

"Got it. Five seconds at three percent, on your mark." Harry replied.

"Now. I think it's working. EPS flow is holding steady. EM field leakage is minimal." Amanda said.

"We'll have to watch the pressure on the connectors." Harry said.

"Let's try to keep it below eighty five percent." B'Elanna said.

"Flux capacitance is spiking intermittently, but I don't think that's a problem." Harry states.

"Let's reinforce the power conduit coupling just to be on the safe side." Amanda said.

The object zooms in on a monitor to reveal that it is a silver robot. After the opening titles, we're back to colour and normal viewpoint.

"It's suffered a lot of damage, but I think the EPS charge will keep it running for at least eighteen hours." B'Elanna said.

"It's not a cyborg. It's completely robotic. No organic components of any kind." said Harry.

"This looks like some kind of programming centre." said Amanda.

"But I'm not detecting any pathways for transmitting information." Harry said.

"It's got arms, legs, we saw it move it's head. It's clearly designed to perform motor functions. So where did those commands come from?" B'Elanna asked.

"Maybe it needs to interface with a outside source." Harry suggests.

"Speaking of sources, this energy module seems to be what powers the entire mechanism. It isn't designed to run on EPS energy, it runs on some kind of super-conducting plasma. If we keep charging it, we may end up destroying it." said Amanda.

The robot starts making stacatto noises.

"It's trying to communicate." B'Elanna said.

"We don't know that. It may just be some kind of recording." Harry said.

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