Persistence of Vision-Chapter 57

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"There's something weird going on, Commander. I'm not reading any life signs on the two ships that just decloaked." said Harry.

"There's no crew?" Chakotay asked.

"Looks like the ships are automated. They're being controlled by the Bothan ship." Harry said.

"Return fire, Tuvok." Chakotay said.

"We have hit their weapons array, but not severely enough to disable it." said Tuvok.

"Commander, the three ships are manoeuvring to surround us." Harry said.

"Get us out of here, Paris." Chakotay said.

"I'm trying." Tom replied.

"The ships are powering their weapons, preparing to fire." Harry said.

"That last volley took our shields down to twenty one percent." Tuvok said.

"We've got damage on all decks. Reports of injuries." Harry said.

"All stop." said Chakotay.

"The lead ship is hailing us, Commander." Amanda said.

"On screen." Chakotay said.

"Your ship is damaged and your captain incapacitated. I will accept your immediate surrender." the Bothan said.

"You're not getting one. The Captain is fine." said Janeway.

"I don't think so. I think the battle is over now." said the Bothan.

The figure walks forward into the light.

"Mark." said Janeway.

"Don't you recognise the man you love?" Mark asked.

"Mister Paris, who do you see on the viewscreen?" Janeway asked realising her fiancée won't be 70,000 light years away from home, so she decided everyone was seeing someone different.

"It's my father." Tom said, he grimaced.

"I hope you've been behaving yourself." said Admiral Paris.

"I see my girlfriend, Libby." Harry said.

"Amanda who do you see?" Janeway asked.

"I see my Mother." Amanda said.

"I hope you've been bringing honour to our family." Miral said.

"Miss Torres, shut down visual." said Janeway.

"I'm trying, Captain. It won't terminate." Amanda replied.

"Mister Tuvok, do a multiphasic scan on those ships. I want any evidence of defensive weakness. And prepare the forward photon torpedoes for launch. Tuvok." Janeway said, when Tuvok didn't response.

"I do not understand how this can be." Tuvok said.

"Don't try to understand, Tuvok. Just accept it. We're together again." T'Pel said.

"No. You are not my wife." Tuvok said.

"Of course I am. I am T'Pel. And there, right in front of you, is your lute. The one you used to play for me. And look. Look around you. You're back home, on Vulcan." T'Pel replied.

Janeway walks over and grabs her old friends arm.

"Tuvok? Tuvok, answer me. Tuvok!" Janeway called.

Tuvok is still.

"Captain, I'll do it. Running a multiphasic scan." Harry said.

"Torres to the Captain." B'Elanna's voice came over the comm.

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