Elogium-Chapter 49

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[Mess Hall]

Neelix has to change someone's meal tray for a fresh one.

"Sorry. I swear I heard you say lots of pepper sauce." Neelix said.

"What is the lunch special today?" Tuvok asked walking over.

"Well, actually, I didn't get around to making a lunch special. But we have some lovely gabosti stew left over from last night." Neelix said.

"Very well. It will do." said Tuvok.

"I've had quite a run on it, as a matter of fact. It seems very popular." Neelix said.

"If it is all you are serving, that would stand to reason." Tuvok says.

"You can have it with or without pepper sauce." Neelix said.

"Without." Tuvok says.

He settles at his usual table. Neelix comes over.

"Mister Tuvok, I was wondering. You have children, don't you?" Neelix asked.

"I have four." Tuvok replied.

"Four! My, that's certainly quite a family. Tell me, what's it like, being a father?" Neelix asked.

"The question is so broad, it is difficult to respond." said Tuvok.

"Well, I mean, it's a lot of responsibility, isn't it? Watching them, caring for them, keeping them safe, giving them an education." Neelix said.

"That is certainly true." Tuvok said.

"Sounds like it's a lot more trouble than it's worth." Neelix said.

"Mister Neelix, I am aware of your situation. It appears you are in some doubt as to the wisdom of becoming a parent." Tuvok said.

"It's just all happening so fast. I don't know what to think." Neelix said.

"I can only tell you that if you have considerable doubts about fatherhood, it would not be wise to enter into the process. It is so much more overwhelming than one expects, that I believe only the most committed should become parents." Tuvok said.

"Ah. that's what I thought." Neelix said.

"However, I must point out that, as illogical as it seems, being a father can have infinite rewards. Far more than would seem possible. My children occupy a significant portion of my thoughts. Now more than ever." Tuvok said.

"I-I-I've heard it said that children can bring a lot of joy into one's life." Neelix states.

"I experienced neither joy nor sorrow, but I do believe it is possible." Tuvok says.

NEELIX: Now that I think about it, it might be fun to have a little guy around. We could do a lot together. I've got quite a bit I could teach a boy, you know. Survival methods, piloting skills, romantic techniques.

"If you say so. But I must point out that there is an equal chance that you would have a daughter." Tuvok says.

"A daughter? I don't have anything to teach a daughter." Neelix said.

"Why would it be any different from what you would teach a son?" Tuvok asked.

"It just would. She'd learn more from her mother." Neelix said.

"I have three sons and one daughter. I can assure you she benefits as much from my presence and guidance as my sons do. It is unfortunate that I must be so far removed from all of them now." Tuvok said.

"I understand. We'll get there, Mister Vulcan. I'm sure of it. Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about." Neelix admitted.


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