Chapter 18: Poison Ivy

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 "Me? I'm a genius. I can make plants behave like animals and make animals into plants. And I'm part plant as well. It doesn't show. But I am... What am I? I am the Queen of the May, crowned in leaves, and blossom, and thorns. I am hope and beauty and truth. A symbol of growth in the dark times that are upon us... I am impossible. Woodrue killed me. You know that? I don't know what he gave me in those college experiments. But it killed me... killed her... birthed me... What am I? I am Poison Ivy."

―Poison Ivy


"Tell me, who are you now?" Ivy looked confused and said, "What do you mean?"

"Look at this person next to me. She is Bridgit Pike. She has been kept in the depths of Arkham for more than a year. After being tested, she has a fiery physique and can spray flames. What about you? Your special abilities, what are they?"

Ivy took a look at her green skin and said cautiously, "a tree?"

"Uh, the idea is pretty good, but why disguise it? I mean, don't you want to manipulate the trees?"

Ivy, the girl who hasn't read much but got used to mixing on the street, said in a puzzled way, "I don't understand, Herbert. Give me some hints."

"I mean, through experiments, don't you have any superpowers? Except for the green skin."

Ivy said uncertainly, "It doesn't seem to be the case, should I have it?"

"Of course, the green skin indicates that your body is turning into a plant, and you should be able to manipulate plants."

"Plantization, this doesn't sound like good news."

"Wait for me."

Jude knocked on the door of the neighbor's old lady: "Bandra, can I lend a pot of flowers, I will return it to you later."

"No problem, but remember to notify me when you have a barbecue party. I also like to play with young guys."

Putting the lily flower in front of Ivy, Jude continued to seduce: "Do you feel anything when you look at it? Do you have any special ideas? For example, the DNA has moved."

Ivy stroked the petals lightly and said, "It seems kind and strange; why do I feel this way?"

"Try to connect it with thoughts, control it, or let it grow."

"I don't understand; what should I do?"

"Think, use your brain, try it."

Ivy closed her eyes and gently touched the petals. After a while, the original flower bone began to bloom, and it fully bloomed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, Jude was even more certain that Ivy Pepper was the plant girl to be developed and that she could use Phytokinesis

Seeing that she let the flowers bloom, Ivy cried out in surprise, and the flower was also swaying from side to side, seeming to echo her mood.

Firefly shrugged: "So is your ability to fertilize the flowers and plants or something? What can this be used for? Can fruit trees be ripened?"

Jude glared at her and said, "This is just the tip of the iceberg of Ivy's ability. The combat effectiveness of plants is terrible; don't underestimate them."

"Now, let's imagine again, making this little flower bigger, thicker, and more fierce. For example, a piranha is good."

Ivy scratched her head and said, "Although I haven't read many books, lilies, and piranhas should be two varieties; are you sure I can do it?"

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