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Calvin Harris - Summer

The next day, or rather during the day, the boys awoke from their night. They both woke up around one o'clock in the afternoon. Despite the late hour, it was a short night, with the boys having to help their friends and the rest of us simply having to call it a night. On the way home, the bakeries were already starting to open. Yeonjun ironically asked his two passengers:

"Would you guys like some croissants?". He received no reply. The driver then noticed that Seungmin was totally out of it and Felix was asleep in the back seat. The evening had knocked them both out, and that short drive had finished the job. When they arrived, Yeonjun had to wake up his two customers as best he could. That said, he drove them back to their front door. The driver and housemates parted company at the bottom of the building.

As soon as they got home, they went to bed. The two students literally collapsed on their beds and were swept straight into the arms of Morpheus. Their rhythm was totally out of sync. Fortunately for them, it was the weekend and they had no classes that day. Taking part would have been out of the question for the two friends.

Seungmin, the first of the two to wake up, went straight to preparing breakfast. When he'd finished, he left the rest for Felix. The young man got up an hour after his roommate. The noise and smells coming from the kitchen had attracted him, and the light in his room prevented him from continuing his sleep. When the two young men met for the first time, their interaction was very amusing. From his point of view, Seungmin laughed at Felix, who hadn't even changed his clothes from the night before. They were now all wrinkled, and Seungmin backed this up by telling his roommate that it gave him a certain allure. What's more, Felix had just woken up and his eyes were not yet adapted to the light in the room. He struggled to take his first steps into the living room, and his friend, also present in the room, was delighted by the sight. Felix returned the mockery when he spotted his roommate with his hair a mess and his glasses placed askew on his nose. The young men, still out of it, laughed in chorus at their stupidity.

After this moment of madness, Felix ate lunch and they got ready for the half-day they had left. They did nothing special. The weekend passed in much the same way.

On Monday morning, as he got ready for class, Felix rediscovered the mask he'd abandoned all weekend. In a hurry, he didn't dwell on it, but he knew he'd be able to think about it during the day.

Like every Monday, he began with the history of cinema. As he entered the lecture hall, he walked right up to Taehyun, the friend with whom he did most of his classes. The chatter had resumed as it had a month ago. Felix imagined that the students were talking about the party that had taken place that weekend. Indeed, this time the students were talking about what had happened. Those who had attended were bragging about it. The young man had noticed that the day after the party, photos began to be exchanged on the networks.

His class ended and he went about the rest of Monday as normal. As usual, he joined Chae after his last class. As soon as they saw each other, the two lovers intertwined their fingers and headed, this time, for a cafe. They arrived and Felix ordered a tea latte and Chae a strawberry latte. When they were served, Felix began:

"- Today in my film history class, we studied the evolution of cameras by comparing the first cinema camera to one of the latest. And it got me thinking about what you said about me working on it.

- Oh, your classes are so cool! But I told you last week that at some point you'd study it.

- So what did you do today?

- Before we met, I had math. It's really boring, but for my engineering school I have to do it," Chae replied with a pout.

Felix laughed and imitated her pout. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see her boyfriend laughing at her. When she noticed, she blushed, patted him on the shoulder and continued:

- And this morning I had a class on artificial intelligence. We studied how AIs would evolve over time and how they would adapt to humans in the future.

- Like in those very futuristic movies with robots and humans going to the other end of space? Felix asked, his gaze steady on Chae, waiting for her answer.

- Yes, that's about it," she replied with a big smile.

- And then you think my classes are ''cool'' when your classes have something to do with those movies about the future?!

They laughed together at Felix's reaction. He continued:

- Well, I think I'll be working on that too, so it's okay.

- Yeah, sure. You know what? I'll make a new bet on the fact that you'll also have a course in futuristic stuff in no time!

- Ok ok, we'll see..., replied the blond with a big smile."

Venetian Mask - Hyunlix (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now