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Joji - Sanctuary

When the stranger saw that his interlocutor had stopped questioning him, he spoke up:

"You still haven't told me why you're here.

- Oh, yes, I have. I'm the person who interviewed a student in the art building, for the SO project, so two weeks ago, and I asked to see this work again for my report. I have authorization and therefore the keys to the room," he replied confidently, showing her the keys.

- Are you sure it was for the interview? asked the tall man.

- Yes, yes," replied Felix in the most convincing tone possible. But the other man had moved closer to him with his question, which put pressure on the blond.

It was then that Felix looked at his interlocutor for the first time. Like the pressure he was putting on him, he was indeed tall. Even though the blond hadn't glanced at him yet, he'd noticed. His face was very soft, with a mole under his right eye. His hair was bleached, like Felix's, but the tall man's natural roots were beginning to stand out more than the short man's. Naturally, Felix had a questioning look at the tall one, as if he were looking for something, but for the blond it was simply observation. He continued to make eye contact between the two.

- The SO's project is to update the university's website, isn't it? continued the tall man.

- Yes, it is. In fact, I had to choose a work that was also related to my report and to illustrate it too," he said, trying to justify himself as they finished their long eye contact. On the other hand, the blond had just improvised this answer and he felt proud of the fact that it sounded realistic.

- Okay, and where did you come from to get this job? I mean, what department or club are you in? All I know is that you're not in art.

- The job was given to me by the journalism club, but I'm in audiovisual. How do you know I'm not in the art department?

- Simply because I'm in the art department. If you were, I'd have noticed, and I don't think we'd ever met before today, so... Besides, as you can see, I'm in charge of arranging the works. I think I'd know you if you were in the same department as me.

- So you're a student too?

- Yes, I am! Continuing on what I was saying, I don't know you, so would you do me the pleasure of giving me your name? He says with a big smile.

- Why are you asking me so many questions anyway? remarked the blond.

- I'm giving you the ball back. You did the same thing earlier!

- Yes, but I was asking for information about the work," replied Felix suspiciously.

- Listen, I'm asking for your name, it's not going to kill you. Is it? he said with a questioning, overwhelmed look.

Felix noticed that his interlocutor was very expressive. It gave a special touch to his way of speaking.

- Okay, fine... then you'll leave me alone?

- Yes, I promise! Anyway, I've finished tidying up, so I'll be off and leave you in peace at last.

- So you found the canvas quickly so you could leave quickly afterwards?

The tall man was surprised that the blond had heard his earlier remark.

- I don't know, he said with a wry, innocent smile. All I know is that the more time you spend answering my questions, the longer I'll be here.

- Okay okay, my name's Felix, Lee Felix.

- Thankss! See it didn't kill you, poor thing. Well on that great revelation, see you next time! he finished with a big smile before leaving the room."

The little one almost retorted, but the other had already left. Felix was relieved. The blond almost replied that he hadn't given him his first name in order to have ridiculous nicknames. In fact, the student hadn't even asked for his interlocutor's first name. He thought afterwards that it wouldn't necessarily do him any good to know, since he didn't think he'd ever see him again. And it wasn't like with Beomgyu either. Despite the difference in departments, the two had kept in touch following their meeting for the interview. They got on well, and as they couldn't see each other very often, they exchanged a lot via social networks.

When the blond came to his senses after this original encounter. The tall man had trusted him and left the keys so that Felix, when he had finished doing his "work", could close the room.

He took the canvas in hand. He hadn't noticed it before, but a piece of paper had been left on it. It must have come from the stranger he'd just met. The note read: "Since you seemed so anxious to know my name, I'll give it to you. It's Jinnie:)". "Jinnie?! That's quite feminine. It sounds more like a nickname to me than a name... Like Minnie for Seungmin," thought the blond.

He turned his attention back to the canvas. The mask was similar to the one he had at home. The fact that it was a painting meant that some details were missing. Felix wasn't sure what was represented. For example, certain details of the mask he owned were missing from the mask in the painting, even though there were clues to suggest that these elements were present. After a moment's observation of the mask itself, he looked at the other elements of the painting. He emphasized a second time how beautiful the painting was and how much he liked it. Everything was harmonious. After a while, Felix noticed a detail in the corner of the painting. To better understand what it was, he moved his face closer to the mark. In the bottom right-hand corner was something marked in gold. When the blond finally understood what was there, he was shocked. At the bottom of this work, it said "H.H".

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