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Rihanna - Only Girl

Hyunjin had asked Yeonjun on purpose whether Felix would come. He knew the connection between the blond and the host. Indeed, in his search for Felix, he learned that the blond had been invited through a friend who had received an invitation from Soobin. The tall man concluded that it would have been possible for Felix to attend the party. His question was validated when Yeonjun confirmed the blond's presence. On hearing this, the taller man decided to do everything in his power to get closer to the younger man.

After this short discussion, Felix joined Seungmin, who was already chatting with his friends. He sat down next to his roommate and listened to the conversation. The blond could still see Jinnie moving around aimlessly. He saw the taller one pass by several times, sometimes waving to the shorter one. At one point, Felix left Seungmin to make his own turn, alone.

When the blond found the dark-haired man, he was talking to the faux-blond. This surprised the younger man. He didn't know that Seungmin and Jinnie knew each other. He joined them and Felix interjected into their conversation:

"I didn't know you knew each other.

- Well, I guess we do," replied the tall man quickly.

A blank followed this reply. Seungmin went on:

- I'll leave you guys together.

- You do have my number, don't you? asked Jinnie.

- Don't worry, we'll be in touch later. Seungmin finished, leaving the two blonds together.

Felix continued:

- The phone numbers, of course!

- Oh yeah.

- And why are you here? Chained the blond.

- So you see that person over there? Says Jinnie, pointing at someone. That's Chan, my mate, he invited me. He's part of the popular group. It's also thanks to him that I was able to take part in the masked ball. Anyway, I think I would have received the invitation from someone else, but it's easier when your buddy is one of the organizers.

- Okay, okay.

Félix ran the information through his head. Strangely enough, he didn't remember running into the big guy during the evening. On the one hand, Félix hadn't moved around much during the ball. On the other hand, Jinnie must have moved around a lot, given his behavior at the start of the party. Félix asked him:

- Do you always do this?

- Do what?

- Move around aimlessly? Because before we met, I'd see you wandering around and yet this time you knew where I was.

- You're asking a lot of questions today. Are you curious about me?

Félix stared at him without answering. So, after a short reflection, the tall man answered his first question:

- Yes, it's kind of a habit. It's to stretch my big legs, you see. Then I can understand why you don't feel concerned..., he said with a mischievous smile. Waiting for the blond's reaction.

Jinnie liked to lightly taunt Felix. In fact, he'd been doing it all along. The blond pretended not to. The tall one continued:

- Come on, Kitten! Why don't you answer my jokes? he said in despair, gently shaking the smaller boy.

- It's to frustrate you, that's the point!

- But I'd like you to answer," said Jinnie, pouting.

- That won't be possible, I've had too much experience with Seungmin, you'll never be able to get me to respond, the blond replied proudly.

- Ah. Does he make jokes about your height too? I can understand that."

With that, Felix left, leaving Jinnie behind. The tall man thought satisfied that he'd finally reacted. He knew that the kid wasn't leaving because he was really upset or hurt. The alcohol had taken its toll on him, so he was quick to lash out, whereas the blond usually kept his cool. What's more, Hyunjin would have understood if Felix had been hurt, at which point he would have stopped.

Hyunjin decided to follow the blond. At one point, he overtook the cadet on his way to who-knows-where and stopped in front of him. Felix didn't understand. The tall man held out his hand with a seductive smile, mixed with his drunken side. The blond understood! Jinnie wanted to ask him to dance. The blond accepted almost reluctantly.

The tall man pulled the short man by the hand. The little one noticed that the big man's hand was completely covering his own. They moved to a spot available for dancing and took their places. The music played. The two young men moved to the rhythm of the melody. Physically, they were far apart, but Jinnie gradually drew closer to his duet. At one point, more sensual music was played. Now all the couples had positioned themselves to dance together. Felix and Jinnie stayed behind. Felix was too caught up in the mood and hadn't realized what music was playing. He was really enjoying himself. The blond changed his dance to the beat.

When the new sound came on, he changed dance again without leaving the dance floor. His body language had adapted, and Felix was making moves that could make anyone blush. The taller man, on the other hand, had noticed the change in atmosphere. Seeing that the blond hadn't retreated, he moved even closer. Hyunjin could have left Félix alone among the others, he probably wouldn't have realized it, but in reality, he wanted him all to himself. To say so out loud would have been totally selfish on his part, so the taller one remained silent and at the smaller one's side. Now the two were physically very close. Thinking it was now or never, the fake blond put his hands on Felix's hips. The little one didn't contradict the action. At this point, the body and especially hip movements of the two became more and more frenzied. As they did so, their bodies came closer and closer together. Felix could have been swallowed up by Hyunjin's body, so large was it that it covered the blond's whole body. The temperature was rising where they stood. Their breaths mingled. Their eyes met. The taller Hyunjin joined in the dance, and Felix responded. Hyunjin nuzzled Felix's neck, making the smaller boy shiver. Their bodies made waves and clashed. Towards the end, when things seemed to be calming down, Hyunjin rested his head on his partner's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. He brought his head up to his opposite number's ear to whisper a soft but covetous "Felix" and place a light kiss on it.

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