Chapter19: Moon Harvest Festival P2

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Striker, wearing a cocky smile, leaned in the door frame, effectively blocking the door.

Moxxie: "Shit! W-Why do you have
this...mister?! You ARE aware this kind of weapon can kill-"

Striker: "Demon royalty?"

Ben: "Demon royalty, huh"

I slowly glance between the gun
and the window which has a perfect line of sight to the fancy looking demon owl who's getting ready on stage.

Ben: "You're going to shoot that guy? you know that'll kill him, right?"

Striker: "No shit. *flicks his wheat stalk away* That's kinda the point"

Striker runs his long, sharp claws along the door. He advances menacingly toward us with a sinister grim.

Ben: "In that case"

I stretched my shoulders, cracking a chuckle confusing Striker.

Ben: "Well, Striker, I've always had a knack for putting criminals in their place. Looks like I'm in for some fun beating you down"

I reached for the watch only to be met with the red glow of a time out; I shouldn't have used it so carefreely earlier in the Pain Games. I felt a lump in my throat before slowly glancing at Striker.

Ben *awkward smile*: "Uhh, Time Out?"

Before I could respond, I was met with a punch to the nose. I stumbled back to the ground, clutching my bloody nose before looking up to see Striker strangling Moxxie on the ground with his tail. Moxxie desperately clawed at Striker to let him go but to no avail.

I quickly got to my feet and kicked Striker in the face, making him let go of Moxxie.

Striker: "Ugh, you'll pay for this!"

Striker slid his tail along the ground, tripping me. He reared his hand, and before he could deliver the killing blow, I swiftly rolled out of the way.

I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding Striker's attack. Swiftly getting back on my feet, I assumed a defensive stance.

Striker lunged at me with a series of rapid strikes, but I managed to block and counter with my own moves. The two of us engaged in a fast-paced hand-to-hand combat fight.

As Striker swung his tail towards me, I ducked and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, creating some distance.

Moxxie, still recovering, watched with wide eyes.

Striker, undeterred, charged at me again, and unfortunately, he was able to land a kick to my jaw.

I stumbled backward feeling like my jaw was about to fall out.

Before I could recover, he lunged at me, grabbing me by the neck and lifting me into the air.

The world blurred as I struggled against his grip, desperately searching for an escape route.

This is the second time I got choked today.

Time Skip:

I woke up again, slowly opening my eyes and seeing Moxxie to my left. We were both hovering a couple of inches off the ground.

Ben: "What's goi-"

Before I could continue, we were thrown down inside a basement. I rolled down, my leg caught inside of a bear trap.

Ben 10 x Hazbin hotel/Helluva Boss (Hell Alien Hero)Where stories live. Discover now