Chapter27: Bee Pissed

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No One POV:

We open up to Ben's room in the hotel where he's sitting on the side of the bed, his head resting between his hands as he reflects on his outburst earlier.

Ben: "I really let that slip, huh..."

He murmurs to himself, regret lacing his words. It's unlike him to unleash his inner emotions so abruptly, especially on a friend's sister. Normally, he keeps a tight lid on his emotions, but today felt different, like he was a ticking bomb waiting to explode with just one wrong word.

Ben: "I guess it was only a matter of time before I cracked. It is what it is"

All the action, fights, and near-death experiences that happened in such a short span of time had a profound impact on his psyche, especially considering the lingering effects of surviving the big bang two years ago. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed.

Ben: "I'm really losing it. Sometimes I feel like there's a narrator narrating my life. If only he could make my life a little easier, that'd be greatly appreciated"

But he's used to all the action, so why is it affecting him so badly now...

Ben: "I miss Grandpa Max..."

His family.

Ben: "If he were here, he'd probably have a solution out of this"

Back then, he had his friends and family to comfort and help him. Now he's alone, or at least he thinks he is.

He slowly lifted his arm, glancing at his wrist and looking at the Omnitrix, which brought a weak smile to his face.

Ben: "At least you're still here with me, old friend"

He was grateful that at least something from his universe had survived with him, reminding him why he kept going, his goal to go back home to his loved ones.

Rubbing his watery eyes, Ben walked to the window in his room and gazed upon the streets below.

Only to be disappointed to see sinners slaughtering each other for the smallest inconvenience, drug dealers everywhere, and prostitutes lurking in the shadows. Sometimes, even for a flicker of a second, he wonders if this place even deserves saving.

Ben: "Guess I'm not really seeing the vision, Charlie..."

His mind isn't right at the moment. He just needs some rest, right? Well, that's what he thought at least. A rest would give him time to collect his thoughts and wake up in a better mood, or something. It's better than nothing, especially after everything that happened in the span of those days.

He prayed to God, or whoever ruled this universe that nobody would need him for anything today.

Walking over to his bed, he quickly hopped in, feeling its embrace inviting him to the world of dreams. His heavy eye bags weighed down his eyelids as he drifted to sle-

*Knock* *Knock*

Ben, with an annoyed sigh, got out of bed, slowly inching towards the door before opening it to find Niffty.

Niffty: "Hey, Mr. Ben!"

Ben: "Sup? Need something, Niffty?"

Niffty: "Someone's waiting for you at the door"

Ben 10 x Hazbin hotel/Helluva Boss (Hell Alien Hero)Where stories live. Discover now