Chapter 1: Photoshoot

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**Hey! This is my new story! I hope it's better than the last, and I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment! I love getting feedback so please just tell me if you like it or not! Thanks people!! :D**

DEDICATED TO: Leithra, because she's so kind, and her poems and story The Girl With A Gun is just super amazing!

'Nicole! Quickly, get your pretty little ass over here! I need to redo your make-up for the next shoot!' Shaun, my funny, gay, personal stylist (and best friend) tried to shout over the huge noise on the set.

I was currently in New York, America, doing a fashion shoot for the top looks in Summer, 2011, with my other two model-best-friends, Chloe and Lily. Her name is actually Lilianna, but she prefers to be called Lily.

I'll give you the 411 on my three best friends now. Okay, so Shaun Williams is gay, but an absolutely amazing friend. He's around 25 (he won't give us his real age, but I found out that he was born in the 80's sometime), 6 feet and 2 inches tall, and quite thin.

He is slightly tanned (naturally - he doesn't believe in all the fake tan shit), has electric blue eyes, and spiky blonde hair. He usually wears t-shirts and skinny jeans, but when he's working he always wears these black shirts and trousers.

Shaun is absolutely HILARIOUS, is very kind, caring and thoughtful and loves to give advice about life. He is mine, Chloe's and Lily's personal stylists, hates racist/sexist/ageist people (thinks they're just a waste of time and completely pointless), and he takes an awfully long time to take a situation seriously. Shaunie (our pet name for him) goes totally weak at the knees whenever a hot guy with big muscles (and lots of money!) is around, and loves going out and having fun.

Lily Leonard is 22 years old, 6 feet tall, toned, dark-skinned, with warm, brown eyes and silky browny-black hair, which is dead straight (without the need of straighteners, the lucky bitch!) and a full fringe. She loves anything which is red, purple or black, and is a super-model/actress.

She is the cool, calm and collected woman of our little group and is quite mysterious, but super-sexy and panther-like. She can't stand it when pretty girls say their ugly (she says they're just trying to get attention), and hates sexist/racist/ageist remarks - she goes absolutely mental at anybody who says them! Lily is a pretty, smart, kind, caring and funny woman, but can also be a bit crazy at times.

She also loves any bloke with dark skin and green eyes. Lil is amazing at being a super model, but is also amazing at cooking!

Chloe Johnson has got to be my absolute best friend, though. We have been best friends ever since high school. She is two years younger than me (she's 17, and I'm 19) but we're still really good friends. She's also the smallest out of our group at 5 feet 8 inches, and the skinniest.

She's only around 6-7 stone and hates any food with fat in it, apart from chocolate - which is one of her weaknesses. She's fair-skinned, with bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair. It's the type of curls that you can get from the curling irons, except that she doesn't need to use them - she gets them naturally.

Chloe loves to wear bright, eccentric clothes, usually skirts and strappy tops, dresses and flat shoes or wedges (she absolutely hates trousers and despises stilettos! And she's also in love with House of Frasers 'Aftershock' brand), and she is a very outgoing and fun girl, who is always thinking up great ideas (which usually end up with us getting in a lot of trouble - and I mean A LOT.

The last time, she thought it would be fun to get seriously drunk, and then we ended up doing a strip tease [Chloe, Lily and I, not Shaun, obviously] on top of some random guy's car, which then ended up with us all having to pay a fine for 'Public Indecency' - is was SO embarrassing, especially as it was all over the news the following morning!

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