Chapter 11: Decision Making

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I got back home in a few hours, and I was feeling really chuffed, because nobody had recoginsed me with my genius disguise on. I was also really chuffed because I had found a famous interior designer that was very happy to do a full makeover of 'my close friend, Nicole Smiths' living room, whenever 'she' wanted it done.

There was a bit of me, though, that felt weird... Didn't know what it was.

The very kind woman, who had very full curves and bright red hair, had given me her business card to give to 'Nicole', and to say to call whenever she wanted it started.

Then I thanked her, and carried on round the shops, picking out the new furniture I wanted.

Instead of black and white, I was choosing baby blues and lilacs. I was thinking fluffy carpet instead of laminated wooden flooring (hoping that Drake wasn't planning on killing anyone else in my living room soon, because that would just be a right pain in the ass trying to get all the blood out the carpet. And trying to explain that to an interior designer seemed kinda hard).

I was gonna keep the sofa in leather, because it's just much more fashionable, and looks more modern. I wanted to get that in a soft purple.

I found exactly what I wanted within an hours time, jotting everything down to give to the interior designer when I was ready. I also bought a new mirror, table, and some pretty decorations (for the wall, which included a nice painting that was actually really expensive from an art gallery I found).

Some electronics were included in my furniture-shopping-spree, like a new stereo, a new TV (even though I didn't need one - I'd just give my old one to a charity shop, or something), and a high-tech DVD player that a very hot sales assistant recommended, along with some new DVDs and CDs that I had spotted.

I had everything on order, so that it would be delievered to my house in the morning at some point, and then I would store it all together, so when the interior designer comes to takes notes and make plans, I can show her what I bought and have my living room all done professionally.

So I got back home, going through my underground tunnel, pulling off my old lady's hat and sunglasses - halfway back to my original image. I drove carefully through the tunnel, so as not to take any sharp turns and end up crashing into and killing an innocent animal that happened to crawl in. Like I did before.

I eventually came to the dead end, and after pressing some camoflauged buttons on the earthy soil on the side of the tunnel in a special combination, part of wall slid across, revealing the entrance to my underground garage. I drove through and closed the wall back up.

That would come in handy for when I was being chased, or something - I could come through the tunnel, open the earthy wall, go through, close it, and whoever was chasing me would just come to a dead end. I was glad I had listened to Lily's advice.

I parked the old ford fiesta with its purposely-scratched silver paint in its spot, and got out, locking the car in the process, even though I didn't really need to. After all, I was the only person who knew all about the secret entrances and special combination codes, so nobody could actually get in here at all, apart from me.

If you're wondering, my Porsche Boxster Spyder was in a garage in front of my house, because everyone was supposed to know about that - it wasn't a secret, and it was my flashing-off car, so I keep it up there.

The underground garage smelled nice, despite it being 20 feet under, thanks to the nice wall fragrances stragetically plugged in different places, giving off a nice, fresh, flowery scent.

I walked up the wooden stairs, that thankfully didn't creak at all, and when I got to the top, I yet again pressed another special combination in a secret place on the wall that only I knew about.

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