Chapter 25: Torture

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That very same day, in a warehouse close to where Poppy-Nicole was peacefully sleeping, a young man was in pain.

Agonising pain.

A burning, searing pain, tearing through his tortured limbs.

He could hear voices, but he didn't have the strength to look up.

That day... That terrible day when they took him. Overpowered... It shouldn't have happened! He was strong, much stronger than all three of them put together, so how had they got him?

How had they captured him, thrown him in the boot of their car, which stunk of stale smoke and drugs, tied him up in a dark room, deserted of decent human beings, with shelves full of glass jars everywhere, and tortured him?

He remembered every detail of that night. It was the only time someone had overcame him and his super human abilities... It would never happen again. He vowed on that.

Somehow, someway, someday, he would get out of this dusty place and he would destroy the people that had got him there.

The journey to the place had been horrible. For the first time in his whole life, he was scared. What were they going to do to him? Why did they want him? How did they know about him? Did they have Nicole? Was he going to torture her in front of him? Did they have her near death already, and give the final blow that would send her to heaven while he was watching?

Every question mentally tortured him even more.

He was angry at himself... He was scared... He was worried... Petrified.

He should never have left Nicole - he should have stayed with her and protected her.

He should have stayed and fooled his agency and got them both away from the dreadful, deadly secret life he had. Should have gone somewhere where the sun constantly shone in the day, and the stars sparkled brightly at night...

He also vowed that he would one day carry that out.

But first he had to escape.

As soon as they had him tied up, they had tortured him. Many times they had held a gun up to his head, but had not pulled the trigger. Instead, they bullied and hurt him.

The three main ones (Dev, Baxton and Lucy) done most of the violence; but there were others that occasionally hurt him for the fun of it.

Everything had been taken from him when he had been forced into this dump. They had left him its his clothes, but the gun and knife in his jacket was taken and used against him.

His arms were tied round the back of an uncomfortable metal chair, and his legs were bound too by ropes and ropes of plastic thread, with super-strong duct tape thrown in for good measure.

Sometimes, a blind fold was around his eyes so all he could see was the pitch black darkness. Other times, the blindfold was removed so he could be forced to view what they were doing to him.

They used all sorts of things to cut tiny wounds in his skin; the really small ones that stung the most. They rubbed alcohol into them, making them sting as if he had been set on fire.

But never once did he give them the satisfaction of screaming in agony, or groaning, or even showing any sign whatsoever that he was in pain.

The only time they got a reaction out of him was when they got photos of Nicole during past photo shoots and catalogues she had been in. They set fire to the photos, tore them up, pinned them up around Drake on the shelves and shot at them, and threw knives and darts at them.

The worst thing they done was that they kept one on his lap, so he was forced to see it whenever the blindfold was off. He snarled at them, and in the deadliest voice he could conjure up in his weakened state, he warned them of the things he would do if they touched her.

He wanted to kill them. If they ever done anything to harm Nicole, he would personally, and slowly kill them in the most painful way his killer-mind could think up.

But he couldn't fight them. He had lost all his strength, and the only weapon he still had on him was a knife in his sock that they hadn't been careful enough to check for. But he couldn't get to it - the ropes prevented him from doing so.

There had been a time a few days after he had been taken when he had been very close to giving up. He could almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, and thought he was going to die. He had said a little prayer - he wasn't a Catholic but he could still believe couldn't he? He wanted Nicole to understand that he had loved her all along - always had done and always would do.

The thought of leaving Nicole woken him, and shocked him back into consciousness. How could he think of never seeing Nicole again? How could he leave Nicole to believe that he didn't love her, and left her because he couldn't fight any longer?

He longed to see her happy, warm blue eyes, run his hands through her silky blonde hair, hug her close and kiss her slowly, passionately. He longed to lay on a comfy sofa and watch a romance movie with her, and watch her cry with happiness when a good ending came. He wanted to kiss those tears away and hug and kiss and just be with her forever.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't die. He had to fight.

He would fight, no matter how much pain he was put through. After his dad had been killed while doing a mission when he was a 17, and then having to take over his father's agency, he had promised himself to never let a bastard criminal kill him. He made it his point in life to kill the bad guys and survive.

He had to survive for his mother. He had to survive to make his father proud.

He had to survive for Nicole.

So the agonising pain throughout his body continued, and he ignored it as best he could.

He continued to plan his escape, although so far, it wasn't looking too good.

All he knew was that he had to get away and be with Nicole once again.

**A/N: Woohoo, two chapters posted in one night! Still got a while to go yet though... ;) hehe! Anyway, I really hope you're enjoying it! What do you think?

Thanks or reading! =D**

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