Chapter 27: Death by a Girl

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Previously in the week, Dan had given me a map of the whole warehouse. I memorised it at every chance I could, and now I could picture it in my head.

I knew where every corner was, every exit door, every room, every shelf, every open space...

I even knew that Drake was in the basement, where the old offices used to be.

From my own secret research, and I prayed that the other agents hadn't found this themselves, I knew that there was an underground tunnel that led from one of the offices, which used to be a fire escape if there was a fire anytime on the ground floor.

I knew what I had to do next.

I had to kill every criminal in this warehouse, and get to Drake.

I directed a sly smile at the lifeless body of Baxton, and started to creep around the corridor I was in. This area was completely enclosed, with a door at the far end, currently closed, and which led into a series of storage rooms.

For certain, I knew that there would be guards surrounding the other side of that whole door, and they would have probably have heard of my entrance.

With a quick glance around me, I spotted a few things that would come in handy: a few pieces of thin, razor-sharp glass and some empty wine bottles. I picked up a long shard of glass and one of the bottles.

Silently, I crept towards the door, and got down on my hands and knees, peeking through the gap between door and floor.

Two pairs of metal toe-capped boots greeted my eyes; one of the right of the door, the other on the left. I smirked. This would be easy.

A second later, I had opened the door so quickly and hard, the person on the left got a shock when the door smashed into his face.

He stood clutching his now bloody nose, shock still, giving me time to deal with the other guy.

He swung at me with his fist, but missed as I ducked and punched him hard in the gut. He was bent double while I reached back behind the door, grabbing a shard of glass and a bottle.

As I stood back up, they had both got back into action.

But they still weren't fast enough for me.

With a swing of both my arms, I had smashed the bottle over one guys head, and cut the throat of the other with the shard of glass, killing him instantly.

They both collapsed to the floor; a pool of blood started to spread out around them.

With the two halves of the bottle, I plunged them into the neck of each guy, making sure they were completely dead.

This had all happened within about 10 seconds of entering that door.

I hurriedly bent down, searching their pockets, and came up with a gun in both of their jackets.

I checked they were loaded - there were only a few bullets in each, but hopefully, they would do.

By body was tingling; I was carrying a mass of weapons, and I felt ready to kill anyone that got in my way.

Before I carried on though, I looked around at my surroundings. Huge metal shelves packed with cardboard boxes nearly reached the ceiling; there were three doors right at the end, which all led to different store rooms.

I knew that the door in the middle eventually led to the basement.

But before I could go there, I had to make certain that nobody would be following me down.

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