Chapter 10: Grateful

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Drake had to leave a little bit later, to do some reports and paperwork or something at the agency.

I guessed that because he owned the place, he had to be the person who did all the boring stuff as well as the killing.

I didn't really know how I felt about him being an agent. I guessed it was a good thing, because he was getting rid of all the criminals, who would have probably killed and hurt innocent people if Drake and the other agents didn't exist. And another good thing about it was that Drake was there to protect me, a bit like a personal bodyguard, I guess.

But there were downsides to it, too. Like as Drake had told me before he left, I would have had to be under constant supervision, because the bad people obviously knew a bit about the agency (which was kind of stupid, considering they must have known that the agents killed criminals. So if you knew that, and you were likely to be killed, what was the point in breaking the law? Stupid), and because they knew, they must have had some people keeping an eye on the agency, so they could use me as a threat to the agency.

Like threaten to kill me to get something they want in return.

So because of that, not only would I get no privacy from the press due to my career, I'd also be watched and supervised by people at the agency too.

What a life.

The other bad things included never knowing whether I was safe or not, although whenever I was with Drake, I felt safe enough.

Also, I knew that Drake would probably have to cancel dates, and maybe even leave one halfway through, if an important job came up. As much as that upset knew, I knew I'd have to get over it, and just let Drake get on with his job.

After all, if his deceased father left it to him, and they were very close when he was alive, why would you want to give it up so easily? I knew that if my parents had died and left their TV business to me, I would have been glad to take it over and run it, no matter what other people would have thought. I would have felt closer to them that way, and not alone.

So I didn't have a grudge against Drake for that - I accepted it.

So there were good points to what Drake was, but bad points too. I knew I'd just have to get used to it. No point in crying or getting depressed over it.

Before he left, I made him a promise that I wouldn't tell anyone about his secret, and he said thanks and kissed me on the forehead.

How could I tell anyone, anyway? They would think I was mad!

I could just see the headlines - "Supermodel Nicole Smith Presumed To Have Killer Boyfriend!"

That would have been just great. Not.

Just then, my phone rang, breaking me out of my reverie.

I checked the caller ID. It was Shaun, calling from America. I guessed he was still there, probably have met up with his boyfriend, Harry, and now in a luxury hotel, sunbathing by the pool.

'Hi, Shaunie! How are you?' I asked when I picked up.

'Hey, Nikki! I'm good thanks! Just calling to brag about Harry...' He drifted off and giggled a bit at the end.

Oh dear God - here we go. He's gonna go on about how great Harry is now. May as well listen for a while...

'So where you to?' I asked, trying to sound interested.

'You'll never guess!'

'No, I won't, silly. So tell me,' Laughing, I sat down on my now-ragged sofa. I'm gonna have to go out later and buy a load of new furniture. I couldn't stand having furniture like this - it was embarrassing, even if for a while, I was the only one who was gonna see it. I know that those pricks that broke in probably saw it before they got killed by Drake, by who cared about them? They had probably sunk to the bottom of the middle of the ocean by now, anyway.

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