Chapter 5: Morning Sunshine

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The next morning was perfect - the sun was shining brightly, making all the flowers around my house brighten up; the sky was cloudless, and a lovely blue that seemed to stretch on forever; and the birds were in the trees, singing their songs.

But I had a funny feeling in my stomach - like I was nervous, or about to be sick or something.

Then I realised that Drake was coming over today, and the calmness nearly got swept away from me then - but I held onto it. Why should I be nervous that Drake was coming over?

Stupid, I know.

I took a deep breath, and looked at my gold Rolex, which told me that it was half 8 (I know - too early). That was good, though, because that gave me plenty of time to get ready for when Drake was coming over. And we had arranged for him to come over around 12ish, so lunchtime really.

First thing I did was sorted out what I was going to wear - which didn't take me long.

I walked into my huge closet, thinking 'sexy, but not too sexy date wear...' and as I looked around, one of my dresses caught my eye. It was a floral print maxi dress, with a halter neck, and was cinched at the waist, and the bottom of the dress just brushed the floor. It was mostly in the colours of white, pink, and purple, and it was perfect for today.

I found a pair of pure white gladiator sandals in the shoe part of my closet, and slipped them onto my feet.

Then I started sorting out my bed-hair and make-up.

I brushed my hair until it was silky smooth, but then I was stuck on how to style it. I looked at my reflection for a moment, and then I decided that I wanted it curled. So I got my tongs out and carefully curled my blonde hair.

Then for my make-up - well, there wasn't much to it, to be honest. Just a bit of mascara and white eye-shadow, that's all.

To complete my summer-sexy-date look, I slipped a pink peony flower piece onto the side of my hair.

Now I was all ready, I had to get the house ready - the food, and sort out the living room and stuff like that.

I still had a bit of time left - but it was enough to do what had to be done.

Hopefully, anyway.

I started by moving furniture around in the living room.

I pulled a black glass table and two chairs from the kitchen, and moved the sofa to the side in the living room, so that the table could sit in the middle of the wide space. 

Then I went out into my front garden, where the gardener does her magic every few days, and picked three red roses, which apparently means 'I love you', according to a little research I done. I went back to my living room, and put them in a sparkling vase, which I placed in the centre of the glass table.

Then once again, I brought down some scented candles from my cabinet in my bathroom, and dotted them around the living room (I seem to love these things). There was one on the coffee table which I had put by the sofa, and there was one on either side of the vase on the glass table. So three altogether.

I tested the candles because I thought the smell might have been overpowering, but it seemed alright. Hopefully, I wouldn't end up with Drake choking on all the burning wax and fall head first into the candle, or something like that. Because that would be terrible.

Then I blew out the candles (I didn't want to waste them - I'd light them again just before Drake was due to turn up), and walked into my kitchen.

I had decided to make Drake a meal, seeing as he's always doing the cooking. I wanted to show my talents for once. When I was younger, my mum and I was always cooking together, using exotic recipes from all over the world, and also learning the basic stuff.

Today, I had decided to make Drake something nice, and that was Vodka Cream Pasta, and Cherry Pineapple Crumble for pudding.

I had an hour before Drake turned up, so I got to it straight away. I nearly fucked up the pasta dish at one point, but it survived. I think.

When the pasta dish was all done and I had put the crumble in the oven, and I had set it out on some fancy plates, I filled two glasses with champagne, even though it was still kind of early, but oh well, and put them on the glass table in the living room. I also re-lit the candles.

Then just after I had got the crumble out, and had set all that up too (so everything was done now), the doorbell rang, signalling that someone was there.

Well, duh, of course someone was there, for Crissakes.

My heart started racing, because I was so nervous - I hadn't seem him in a week! And now we're having a romantic dinner...

Shit, what if this all mucks up and I'm left standing here like a twat?

Before I could start hyperventilating, I calmed myself down. I needed to be calm to find out what was up with Drake, and if I was all nervous, I wouldn't be able to get a word out.

So I took a deep breath, and walked towards the door.

**A bit short, I know and I'm sorry, but it was just to set the scene really.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Love you! =)**

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