Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Hi everyone who has taken just a bit of time to read this little note from me! ;D

I just wanted to say thankyou so so so so so so much for reading my story! I appreciate that you've taken the time to read it and I really do hope that you've enjoyed it, and if you haven't then I'm sorry! I'll try and do better next time ;)

I have had an absolutely amazing time writing this story, creating the plots, and creating side posters. I hope you've had a great time reading it, and I'm desperately hoping that you think it's worthy enough of a vote, or maybe even a comment? I would love it if you could do that for me! =D

I have also finished writing another book called Diary of a Biatch, and if you could check that out, that would seriously make my day!! =)

I also just wanted to say that I sometimes enjoy creating book covers and also side posters, even though they may not be anything special or anything to get completely excited over - after all, I'm not a professional! ;) So if you would like one, please just contact me! Give me the details on my profile, or by PM, and I will try and make them for you and get them back to you as quickly as possible!!

Once again, THANK YOU SO FRIGGING MUCH!! This means a hell of a lot to me that you read my story!!!


Goodbyeeeeeee <3 **

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