Chapter 3: Is It Me?

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By 8am, I was still awake, thinking and worrying about how Drake was on the phone last night. And yes, I still thought that he was seeing another woman.

Well, what other explanation was there?

I'd been in America for a week doing a photo shoot, and when I speak to Drake about meeting up when I get back for a cosy night in, he starts saying 'No, no, I'm too busy with work.'

What am I supposed to think?

And men lie about that sort of thing all the time. You'd be gone for a few days, and they'd be fucking another woman, and then when you say you'll be back, and you should meet up for a date, the man lies and says he's go 'too much work to do'.

Yeah, too much work to do on somebody's ass and tits, more like.

And that's exactly what Drake done last night.

Oh, God. Why did he have to cheat on me? Yeah, yeah, I don't know for certain, but that's the only explanation I can come up with.

Anyway, I know I'm not the prettiest, but I'm a model, I'm famous, I'm rich, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and a great body... What more could a guy want?

'ARGH!' I growled, sitting up straight in the bed and pushing the silky sheets off me in anger.

He's such a fucking prick! And he's a coward, too. If he is cheating, then why couldn't he just tell me? It's not like I'm gonna stab him with my 5inch stiletto heel, or anything...

We were so good together, and I've never loved anyone more than I love him, and silly me thought he'd felt the same way too.

But I guess not.

How could he do this to me?

I grabbed my hair furiously, and tears started to blur my vision. 

I couldn't think straight, and I was sleep deprived. But the thought of him with another woman was still in my mind, as bright as the sun on a summer's day. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.

I was so stupid - I must have done something to drive him away, I thought, near to screaming in frustration. But I knew I couldn't scream, seeing as I was in a hotel full of other people who would probably hear me and think I was being stabbed, or something. And they'd probably get the guards or something, and then they would bust the door down and find me.

Yep, they would find me, sitting on the soft, king-size bed, huddled up with my arms wrapped around my knees, crying because I was suspicious of my boyfriend cheating, all the way back in the UK.

Actually, thinking about it, they wouldn't bust the door down at all. That's the sort of thing that would happen back in London. But not here, though.

Here, they'd just get the spare key from the lobby and get in that way.

Sounds a bit like Drake there, doesn't it? His spare bit on the side.

I breathed deeply.

Okay, I need to stop worrying. What if he actually isn't cheating?

I slapped my forehead, cursing my stupid self.

Drake isn't the sort of person to cheat - he was the one who made the first move; he was the one who organised our first date at a five-star restaurant; he was the one who would give up anything, or do anything just to be with me.

How could I accuse him of something like that?

A little voice in the corner of my mind said, 'But you can never be too sure, can you?'

I told that stupid voice to shut up, and took another deep breath, trying to think rationally.

Right, that's it: I'll call Lily - she'll know what to say, seeing as she's an excellent judge of character. 

I picked up my phone from the light coloured wooden bedside table, and caught it reflexively when my sweaty palms let it slip. I found Lily's number and pressed the call button, while biting my thumb nail. It's a nasty habit I have, and I always do it when I'm nervous about something.

The phone rang a few times, and then Lily's voice came onto the phone, sounding slightly groggy.

I looked at the clock, and saw that it was only 8:10. Ooh, shit - she doesn't usually get up until about 9ish, at the least. I'd best apologise first, before passing all my worries onto her, while she's still slightly asleep.

'Oh, Lily, I'm so sorry,' I gushed. 'I didn't realise what time it is, it's just that I was on the phone to Drake last night... and... and...' I had started crying again. Damn my stupid emotions, always getting in the way.

'Nicole,' Lily's voice had suddenly become aware. I could just imagine her sitting bolt right up in her bed now. 'Nicole, babe, it's okay. Calm down, tell me what's happened.'

I wished that I was more like her - so calm and collected, never hyperventilating - like me right now.

'Well, I-I was on the ph-phone, just talking to Drake about t-tomorrow night,' I tried to calm myself, like Lily told me to, but I was still sobbing slightly. 'And h-he just got all, I don't know, he just s-sounded like he was about to d-dump me or s-something,' I was in tears yet again.

'Shh, Nicole, it'll be alright. What exactly did he say? Did he say he wanted to split up with you?'

'N-no, he just said he c-couldn't make it as he's got a l-lot of work, or something, and I think he's ch-cheating on me. How could he do this, Lily? How could he do this to me?'

'Right, Nicole, calm down - you're over-reacting. From what you've just told me, and from what I've seen of Drake, he's definitely not the cheating type, so calm down. He probably is really stressed at work lately, whatever he works as, so stop accusing him of something he probably hasn't even done. Okay? Now, go to the spa, or go shopping, and just relax for the day, and then tomorrow morning before you leave, we can all meet up and we'll see what Chloe and Shaun think. But Nicole, I promise you that Drake is definitely not cheating. It's just not him, okay?'

I stopped and thought for a moment. Maybe she was actually right - maybe he really is bugged down with work, and I am just completely over-reacting, like I always do. I sighed. 'Maybe you're, Lily, he's probably not cheating. Like you said, that just isn't him. And okay,' I laughed slightly. 'I'll relax for the day, and meet up with you tomorrow. Thank you so much, Lil, you're such a good friend.'

'That's okay, Nicky, any time. And now, I'm gonna catch up on my sleep!'

We both laughed, and I apologised again for waking her up so early. Then we said good bye, and hung up.

I thought for a moment over what Lily had said to me - that he probably was actually working. Then the next bit of her sentence suddenly popped into my head.

She had said, 'Whatever he works as'.

I stopped for a moment, and thought about that.

I didn't know what Drake worked as, either. He'd just told me, 'Business stuff'. What's that supposed to mean?

I thought about it as I got dressed for the day - simple jeans and a red vest top with a little black jacket. Oh, and my genius disguise.

But what Lily had said was still playing on my mind.

What is Drake?

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