Chapter 37: Away From The World

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**A/N: Okay everyone, before you start reading, I am going to warn you that this is the last chapter! I'm sorry that the last few have been pretty short and fast, and may not make much sense, but I still hope you enjoyed my story!**

Drake walked back to the car.

In the next few seconds, he acted so casually, it almost seemed like he done it on a daily basis.

Maybe he did...

There was quite a few big rocks and pebbles on the road, blown back from the beach. He picked up a heavy look one and carried it back to the car.

We both checked throughout the whole car to see if there were any valuables or any possessions left in there, but there wasn't.

He put the car in drive and I watched him drive quite a while down the road, away from any places where there were other vehicles.

From a far distance, I saw him turn the car so it was facing the water.

He climbed out, leaving the doors open and the engine running and I just about saw the movement of him bending down and placing the big rock on one of the driving pedals.

As he began sauntering back down the road towards me, I saw the car shoot forward...

...and plummet into the deep, open space of water.

It slowly sank down, the water filling up every space it could. Finally, the hood disappeared and it seemed like it had never even happened.

As Drake approached me, he began saying something. 'Here's a tip: If you're gonna nick a car for some reason to get to a certain destination, always, always destroy the evidence!'

We both began laughing, and Drake jumped steadily onto the boat.

I stopped short - I would be the clumsy one who would try and jump as easily and swiftly as possible, but would fail completely and the next thing you know? The boat would have tipped over; Drake and I included.

I bit my lip, mentally measuring the distance. But then Drake came closer to me and beckoned me to sit down.

He put one arm around my legs and the other around my back, and then so easily picked me up as if I was a feather and sat me down on the boat. I smirked appreciatively at him as he turned the engine on.

He pulled out of the docks and began heading south. The cool breeze blew against my face, fanning my hair out behind me.

The cloudless cobalt sky released the sun, and so it beamed down, giving warmth and light.

I turned around and stared back at the coast.

I would miss the place where I had lived. I would miss my friends, my family, my job...

Despite all of that though, I felt quite good.

I was gonna spend the rest of my life with Drake, and I would be ecstastically happy wherever we were.

As the coast began to disappear, Drake said to me, 'Where exactly are we going?'

I thought for a moment. We could go anywhere.... We could explore the whole world, and just be happy. We could live a normal life.

We could get married, and have children, and tell them the stories of their parents.

They would grow up and have children, and pass the story on, and on, and on...

I smiled dreamily - we could do all of this now that we were free.

'Who knows?' I finally answered, smiling. 'I only planned up until the point. I guess fate will decide where we end up to!'

We both started laughing, and the Drake let go of the steering wheel.

I gasped and sat up straight, shocked. 'What are you doing?!' I demanded, incredulously. 'What if we crash or something?'

Drake continued laughing, sat down and pulled me onto him, wrapping his arms around me.

He ran his hands up and down my back, sending little shocks up and down my spine. His hands tangled into my hair.

He gazed at me, and I locked my arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to me.

Drake was still smiling at me, and just before I lips touched, he muttered, 'Being blonde totally suits you. Where exactly would we crash?' I gestured around us - there was just complete blue, sky melting into sea.

I giggled. 'Well, the Titanic crashed, didn't it?' I said in a smart-ass tone.

He cracked up laughing as I stared at him in confusion. What had I said that was so funny.

He kissed me lingeringly on the lips, and then murmured, 'Yes, the Titanic did crash. But they hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. I'm pretty sure that we're on the English Channel.'

I cracked up laughing too - I was so stupid sometimes. Drake was right - blonde did suit me!

Drake embraced me again and we began kissing ever so softly and passionately.

We were happy, and we're free from the dangerous world.

We will return one day.

But just for the moment, we will have our time, and we will have our privacy.

We will have freedom to do what we want, without either of us having to leave the other.

We would be together.


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