Chapter 34: Found

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But there's always something to ruin the moment. Always.

A dreadful sound thundered above the cosy little building, shaking the old, fragile foundations below. The delicately painted china tea pot on the oak table rattled slightly, as if a mini earthquake had occurred.

I leapt out from the covers, Drake right behind me. Hiding behind the net curtain, we could see the dark, looming helicopter right above the B&B. It's whipping blades forced trees in the forest around the building to bend in the opposite direction, creating a dense green circle around the building. Leaves thrashed about dangerously; quite a lot of them were torn off and fluttered to the ground.

We had been found.

'Shit,' Drake and I muttered simultaeneously.

Hurriedly, we began throwing our clothes on and the whole time, I tried to think of a way to get out of this.

I couldn't.

Picking up all of the luggage we had, we bolted out the door. Drake and I stared at each other nervously, neither of not knowing what to say or do.

I ran across the landing and looked out the window that looked over the little lane and huge front garden of the B&B. I immediately spotted two figures - a young blonde woman and a young dark-haired man. They were the couple I had saw the night before, upon our arrival.

From the top, they looked exactly like us.

They were gazing above them in astonishment at the low flying helicopter, and always heading towards the sheltered car park.

I light bulb flickered above me, and then turned to full brightness.

I had a plan.

'Drake,' I said, turning back to him. 'Let's go.'

At first he looked quite confused, but then decided to follow me anyway.

I noticed the previous night that their was an exit right by our room that led directly to the car park. Drake and I darted through this exit, and bumped straight into the couple I had just saw out the window.

'Oh, I'm so sorry!' the blonde woman exclaimed as her boyfriend began picking up the bags I had dropped. 'I didn't see you - are you okay?'

I smiled at her, and recognition flew across her face.

'Oh. My. Fucking. God.' She exclaimed slowly but excitingly. 'You're Nicole Smith! You are my idol! Oh my God, I can't believe I've just bumped into you like this...' she carried on chattering as I thanked her boyfriend who was staring at me in silent shock.

'Uh, listen,' I interrupted her. She looked as if she was in heaven - I felt delighted that I was her idol. 'This may sound really crazy and weird and stupid, but do you mind if we have your car? You see, mine is a bit too flashy, and-' *quick intervention of lies* 'it's a gift from an ex. So yeah, would you mind if we done a car swap? Mine is that black Nissan over there,' I pointed towards the car.

Her and her boyfriend gazed admiringly at it, then turned shocked back to me. 'Insurance is all paid for, MOT is - '

Then it was her turn to cut me off. 'Yes, of course! Anything for you, Nicole! Here, here's the keys for mine!' She ravenously grabbed at the keys I held out and exchanged them for hers. Her face then dropped slightly. She looked almost embarrassed. 'Umm, my-my car's that one over there,' she pointed to a boring, worn-out-looking dark green Peugeot.

I smiled.

'Don't worry at all - its perfect. Thank you ever so much, and this may seem even more crazier, but please, don't mention this to anyone. If anyone asks, you won it at a contest, okay?'

She looked baffled, but went along with it anyway.

'Yes, of course. Oh, could I please have an autograph before you go?'

Drake and I really needed to go now - I could hear the helicopter getting impossibly close - but the pleading look in her eyes, that puppy dog look that I couldn't resist...

I quickly signed a scrap piece of paper that had appeared in her hands, thanked the coupl immensely and then ran to the car she had pointed at with Drake, juggling the suitcases all the way.

We got to the car, and the space in the boot was just big enough to fit in all the luggage.

We hastily climbed into the front seats - Drake driving now, and me in the passengers' seat.

Drake gunned the car, and spun the obeying vehicle around quickly.

As he neared the exit, he slowed down, and there was conveniently a small gap just big enough for the car to go through, which led directly into the deep green forest.

Any helicopter from above wouldn't have seen the camoflauged car drive slyly into the shelter of the tall trees.

He drove slowly and carefully around the trees, always sticking close to the tree trunks so that we couldn't be seen.

He avoided the patches of golden sunlight that filtered down through the green leaves and carried on driving for quite a while longer.

The sound of whipping blade gradually silenced, and we realised we were safe enough to drive out onto the road now.

We hadn't said nothing since our hasty departure, but now I sighed in relief and Drake turned to me, once again with that beautiful, mischeivious grin on his handsome face. He made me smile, and we suddenly broke into hysterical laughter.

'I cannot believe we just did that,' I said.

'Well, believe it babe. After what we've been through, we can't let nothing get in our way. I just want to be with you, Nikki, and not let anything ruin our future.'

The tires screeched against the concrete road as he sped towards the east, heading for the coast.

'And I completely agree with you.' I replied, my breath taken away at perfect everything was and eventually would be.

Drake and I smiled blissfully, and he leaned over and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

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