Chapter 7: Killer

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My whole body froze in complete and utter shock and terror. I couldn't even scream, or look away from Drake.

As soon as somebody had smashed my door in (fucksake - that cost a lot aswell!), Drake had stopped talking, and had quickly got up, pulling me with him.

'Shit, they must have followed me,' Drake was mumbling, looking around quickly.

He glanced quickly towards the way where the door was, and where two deep, male voices were saying something quietly, but not quietly enough because I could sort of hear them.

And they sounded menacing.

Drake didn't look frightened, though or anything. He simply looked pissed off that somebody had interrupted our moment.

Hang on, he had said that someone must have followed him... What did he mean by that? I wondered, my heart in my throat.

What was going to happen to me? Who was it that had broken in, and what did they want?

I should have listened to Lily when she had suggested getting proper security around my home, but being the stupid girl I am, I didn't listen to my best friend

Drake noticed the french doors at the far end of my living room, that led out into the back garden, and immediately rushed me out there while I was still silent.

He pushed me (because I was still shocked to the core) to the side of the house, so that I couldn't see through the doors. He looked down at me, and said, 'Stay here, do NOT come near the doors.'

He turned to go back in, but I finally moved. I grabbed his arm. 'Who are th-they?' I stuttered.

'You don't wanna know. Trust me, okay, Nikki? And please don't look through the windows! I'll come back out and get you when it's safe.' He kissed me quickly, once on the forehead, and with one last glance, he turned and ran back through the doors, closing them.

What was going on? Everything was wrong - I was so confused. Usually, if someone had broken in, the guy is supposed to pick up a baseball bat, and say 'Who the fuck could break in?' and not 'Shit, they must have followed me.'

What's that supposed to mean??!!

I was so scared. I was more than scared - I was petrified. I heard two voices out in the hallway, and what if they beat Drake up? Drake was on his own in there!

I so wanted to do something - go round the side and through my broken front door, and chuck something at someone who broke in, like in the movies, and then the bad guys die and everything's okay again.

I wanted to go in and knock somebody's head off for ruining mine and Drake's specal moment.

But I was too scared to even move a muscle.

So instead, the coward that I am, I stood there, my heart racing, my breath not getting into my lungs properly, and my eyes wide with fear.

There was an open window near me, and I could hear murmurs coming from the living room through it. 'Dead' was one of the words that were quite frequent, and quite a lot of swear words too.

Then there was sounds that scared the living daylights out of me, and made me put my hands over my ears and close my eyes, to try and make them go away.

I knew that a vicious fight had broken out from these sounds.

There were groans, and vicious laughs, and slashing noises, and then more groans, and then loads of crashing and glass smashing. There was a blood curding scream, as if somebody had been set on fire, and then a big crunching noise, like somebody had just had one of their bones broken into thousands of tiny pieces. I was gagging at those last two noises, being near enough sick.

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