Chapter 17: Tracker

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Earlier that morning, a sleek, pitch black car was parked a while away from the beautiful supermodel's house. It was there for a purpose.

The man in the car waited patiently for the young woman to emerge from the house. Ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, she had stayed inside, and for that, the man had a horrible feeling. But today, he was sure that she would finally pluck up the courage and get out of the house.

And he was right.

She exited the house a while later, but she didn't look her normal, pretty self. Her blonde hair was pulled back, and her face was pale from exhaustion. The man felt bad when he saw her, like he shouldn't be there watching her.

While he had been carefully watching the house, a mass of paparazzi had piled up outside. They had done that every day, just waiting for the moment when the heartbroken girl finally went out. So when she came out, the paparazzi went into full bastard-mode.

They resembled a gang of wasps in a wasp nest, and it was like an unknowledgeable young child had curiously prodded it with a stick, and suddenly, the whole pack had come swarming out, wanting to be the first to hurt the unsuspecting victim.

The paparazzi were the wasps. The girl was the curious child.

Immediately, the man in the car wanted to jump out, grab the girl and run. But he couldn't do that.

Instead, another car pulled up by all the vans, and a man with Spanish features jumped out and ran to the girl's rescue. The man in the car felt a bit better as the girl steadily climbed into the car, and they drove off.

The man in the sleek black car pulled out of the shadows, and followed the car that had the pretty young lady in, but kept at a safe distance. He didn't want to blow his cover.

* * * * * * *

The man in the sleek black car followed the woman all day.

She went to her parents house, but the Spanish man she was with didn't go in with her. Instead, he drove off elsewhere.

She was in there for a while - he didn't know what she was doing. When she eventually came out, he followed her all the way back to her house. When she was there, he watched as a few lights came on. She came up to the windows at one point to shut the curtains, and her facial expression had changed from this morning. She looked slightly more cheerful.

That was good.

A bright pink limo pulled up outside her house a while later, and a skinny girl emerged from the back, carrying a bag that blatantly contained shoes.

The man recognised her - was it Chloe something? One of the pretty blonde's friends? Yeah, that was it. And she was a supermodel too.

She rushed up to the doorstep, and spoke fast when the woman opened the door to her. But then they both smiled, and they went into the house, closing the door behind them.

The man watched for a while, taking note of any sudden movement. He knew he shouldn't be here, but he just couldn't resist it.

Just over an hour and a half later, another limo pulled up outside, and two more people emerged from it. This time, it was a beautiful, and exotic-looking dark-skinned female, and a fair-skinned blonde male.

These must be the other two friends, the man guessed. Lily and Shaun.

They also went into the house, air-kissing a now gorgeous looking Nicole Smith.

Her hair had a brighter glow to it, and so did her delicately made-up face. She was wearing a gorgeous black mini-dress, and very high black heels. From the distance, the man could see that Nicole looked a lot happier, and brighter since the morning. And for that, he was grateful to whoever had made the change happen in her.

Then they all piled into yet another limo that had pulled up, and set off again, for a special night out, it looked like from what they were wearing.

The sleeky pitch black car pulled out yet again and followed them.

They went to club after club, and the man observed that each time the beautiful Nicole switched clubs, she looked heaps more cheerful every time.

At one point, the Spanish man from this morning pulled up outside the latest club and went in, looking slightly worried.

At past two in the morning, Nicole came out of that very same club, her eyes wide with drunken excitement as she pulled the smiling Spanish man out of the club with her. They went up around the side of the building, and where the man in the car was, he could see everything that they were doing.

They were all over each other.

Kissing. Touching. Sighing. Hugging tightly.

After a while of their little scene, they hastily jumped into the Spanish guy's car and drove off.

The man in the black car followed.

The Spanish man didn't live too far away, and as soon as they got into the house, the man in the car could tell what was going on, because he could sort of see through the blurry-glass frame on the door.

At first, the man's heart sank a little.

But then he thought to himself that it was for the best, and that Nicole deserved someone better than himself.

Then when he was sure that Nicole was safe for the night, the man turned his car on.

And then Drake drove off towards his own home.

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