Chapter 31: Car Chase

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I knew what was going on straight away.

I must have been psychic, because I had had a feeling that this would happen. And I had prepared for it. That was exactly why I had gotten a fast car in black to drive through the night and blend in.

There was a private registration plate that wouldn't be tracked to anyone, because it was completely fake.

Every window was tinted, helping us blend into the night even more.

I had had special reflectors put on the back of the car, so I would be able to see the headlights of the car behind us in my rear view mirror, and the wing mirrors; but the car behind wouldn't be able to see us - we were completely camouflaged.

I almost whispered.

I looked over and Drake and I smiled slyly at each other.

'You really thought about everything, didn't you?' He said admiringly. He had been smart enough to piece together everything I had planned so far.

'Well, I didn't think about the fact that Ashton wasn't home, but everything else? Yeah, pretty much.'

A pair of lights caught my attention in my rear view mirror, and as I got the exit of the car park, I slowed right down, allowing the agents' car get behind me.

They obviously thought I hadn't seen them. One of the men that I had trained and fought with climbed out of the car, and began to stalk towards us.

Just before he reached us, though, I sped away, tires screeching, onto the main road.

I looked back and saw him running back into his car. He didn't look too happy. Hehe.

The engine purred as I pushed it to the extreme. I swerved around the few cars that were on the road expertly - they would have hardly noticed, what with the speed I was going out, the darkness of the car and the fact that I didn't have my headlights on.

I knew it was dangerous, but with what I wanted to do, why didn't I just push everything to the extreme? I might as well as.

My mind seemed to work harmoniously with the car - everything I thought of doing actually happened, and this helped to get away from the black car that was on our tail.

I took sharp turns up alleyways, aiming to lose the car, and drifted around long bends.

'Where did you learn how to drift?!' Drake exclaimed.

'Well,' I grinned. 'Let's just say that working across the world as a model has a hell of a lot of advantages.'

He smiled, impressed.

I felt the adrenaline pumping through my body. I felt amazing - I felt as if I could do anything.

I remembered something I had watched from one of my favourite movies. It was the Stare and Drive, and I felt powerful.

I was driving along a long, deserted road. I seemed to have lost the agents car.

I slowly turned my head, and smiled cheekily, daringly at Drake. He caught on immediately.

I gazed into his forest green eyes and my insides melted. I hadn't properly looked into his eyes like this for ages, and my body felt like a flower getting water after not having for a long period of time.

His eyes burned into my cerulean ones, and I sensed that he felt the same feeling as I had.

We leaned closer together, our lips inches apart.

Just as they met, though, I saw a light in the corner of my eye.

Quickly, I looked up and saw bright, blaring headlights in my rear view mirror. But there wasn't just one set.

There were three sets.

This was getting better and better. I felt as if I were in a movie - escaping from the bad guys in a speeding car. I didn't know how they had managed to keep track of me: they must have had agents all over the place on the lookout.

I had to outsmart them, but with a cold apprehension shoot through my body, I didn't know how to.

They were catching up with me now, near enough either side of my car. Drake's jaw was clenched tight, and I knew he was thinking deeply about what to do.

A frown was burrowing its way between my eyebrows; my teeth were biting down hard onto my lips, nearly drawing blood; my hands went cold.

But then a sharp thought crossed my mind - I couldn't let them catch up, not after what I had accomplished so far.

I pushed the car to its absolute extreme - its engine was screeching, and the tires were burning rubber against the tarmac.

The black outlines of trees on either side of the road loomed high and dark, like a box trying to enclose us in.

Drake was tense and so was I. Neither of us knew where we were - it was too dark to follow road signs or a map. I mentally tried to get together an image in my head of where we were, but I hadn't really been on the edges of towns - only the inner city.

Suddenly, I saw a tiny gap in the opaque darkness of the trees.

I finally took a calming breath, and Drake sharply looked at me. He hadn't seen it.

I had to try and fool the agents. I had to get as close as possible and then take a sharp turn.

I managed to speed up even more, and I told Drake to hold tight. He looked confused but did it anyway.

Breathing quickly, I checked all my mirrors, and with a really sharp jerk of the steering wheel, my tires screeched, turning on only two wheels as Drake and I flew to the side.

The car obeyed my thoughts and slid perfectly onto the side road that I just knew would lead us where I wanted it to.

The car fell back onto all four wheels, making us flop back into our seats.

Looking into the rear view, I just about saw the outline of three black cars zoom past.

Drake looked at me, and I giggled helplessly. He looked simply astonished and amazed.

I had put the agents off guard, and if my instincts were correct, then we wouldn't have any more people onto us for the rest of the night.

**Heyyyy, so I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. It took me a while, as I can't drive and so I had to try and think about how it happens in the movies, hahaha. If something doesn't make sense, or sounds out of place/stupid, then I am really sorry!!! But I still hope you liked it, and I would love it immensely if you could maybe give me a vote? It only takes a second! Hehe ;) Cheers! =D

P.S. The next few chapters are gonna be a bit short from what I planned, maybe like a page or two long. So yeah, I just felt like warning you =) **

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