Chapter 30: My Brother, The Doctor

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It was still dark, and the moon beamed down at us. Street lamps were being turned on, and lit up the empty roads. Some people didn't like the dark - they believed things were hiding in it.

We got to Ashton's house in record time - Drake's wound was getting worse, and we had to stitch him up.

But my heart dropped when I noticed that Ashton's Audi wasn't in his immaculate, brick driveway.

'Shit,' I muttered. I hadn't thought of this.

But I knew where he worked. I told Luis where to go and straight away, he shot off.

Again, he asked no question - he said nothing at all. He was my rock, and I could always count on him. I felt hugely guilty that I had slept with him, but it had happened.

My mother had told me to "Never dwell on the past, and don't fret about the future. Focus on the present, and live your life now. You only get one chance at life!"

And so I focused on the present - bad memories flew out of my head and all I thought about was getting Drake to the hospital, getting my supportive brother to help him, and then get the hell out of there.

Luis swerved through all the traffic expertly, and never once hit anything or anyone. Traffic lights turned green at our approach, and seemed to be working in unison with us.

We got to the hospital, parking as close to the entrance as possible. Luis and I got Drake out of the back seat and carried him into the reception area.

Luis sat with Drake, and it looked as if Drake was just sleeping. Luis had found a spare jacket in his car and had put it on Drake, zipping it up and hiding the crimson blood.

There was a pretty little woman at the desk, no more than 25 years old. Her auburn hair was swept up onto her head and her mahogany eyes smiled warmly at me.

'How may I help you, dear?' she asked in a sweet little voice.

'I'm looking for my brother, Dr. Smith, Ashton Smith. It's urgent. Could you page him or something, please?'

'Of course, dear. I don't think he's in surgery at the moment, so it shouldn't be a problem.'

Then she paged him over the intercom. 'Dr. Smith, please could you come to reception. Dr. Smith to the reception area please.' Then to me, smiling, 'He should be here any minute. Please feel free to sit down, and get any refreshments you may require.'

I smiled gratefully back, and said, 'Thank you.'

I turned back and hurriedly sat next to Drake. I saw a trickle of blood creep out of the bottom of the jacket he was wearing and quickly put his hand over it, then held onto his hand to make it look as normal as possible.

Ashton needed to get here quickly, because any moment, the agents would be leaving the warehouse and be right onto our trail. We had to get out faster than humanly possible.

Fortunately, he came out of the elevator just as I was thinking this. He started walking towards me, noticed Drake, and then tensed big-brother style.

Immediately, I stood and ran to him.

'No,' I muttered quietly. 'He's hurt - he needs your help. And fast.'

I saw him relax a bit, and then look over to where Drake was sat with Luis. He must still be really pissed at Drake for leaving me, and must still remember when I was slightly depressed afterwards.

But now I telepathically urged him to help me, even though I couldn't tell him or anyone else why - I needed him to co-operate in the same way Luis was.

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