Chapter 32: False Identity

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I was right about the side road leading to where I wanted it to.

It had been the perfect escape route!

'Nikki...' Drake whispered in the silence of the night. He seemed at a lost for words.

'Yes, Drake?' I asked, calmly, and just as silently.

There was no humour in any of our tones now - the excitement and rush of what we'd just accomplished had not completely sunk in.

'You are the most intelligent, smart, courageous and beautiful woman I've ever met.'

My heart fluttered, and although he had complimented me many times before, this time it really made me smile like a goof. I couldn't say anything, so I slowed down in the car, letting it relax a little and then gazed at him.

That was when the joy of what we'd accomplished finally sunk in, making me smile more.

'Do you realise what we have just done, Drake?' I asked, my voice high with elation.

'Well, you broke into where I was being kept hostage, killed a load of men all on your own, managed to get me free, helped me kill Dev and Lucy, got us out of there, saved me from dying, and then outsmarted the best agents I know.' He concluded.

'You knew the ones that were chasing us just now?!'

'Yep; they were from the place I own, that was handed down to me after my father died. I trained those ones because I realised they had really good potential - you would have thought they'd give their boss some credit. I guess not, though.'

'Why wouldn't they if you're their boss? If you told them to lay off, they would, wouldn't they?' I questioned.

'No, not necessarily. There is the 'Top Boss' of the country - I am his employee. If he told someone to do something, they would do it no matter what. You don't fuck with the big man.'

I was astounded, but I was still over the flicking moon with happiness.

He placed his hand on my leg, sending tingles through them. 'So where we off to now, gorgeous?'

'Wait and see, Drakie.' I replied.

He chuckled and relaxed back into his seat, keeping his hand on my knee and drawing little patterns.

Eventually, I saw another gap between the tall, looming trees. I slowed right down, because I never new what could be there.

When I got to the end, I stopped dead and leaned across the steering wheel, looking around.

I was on the side of a really long looking road, that was partially deserted with only a fee cars zooming past every few seconds.

I had a feeling that I needed this road, and so after the next car flew by, I pulled out onto the motorway, speeding up to the cars' maximum limit once again.

The road went on for a long time, until it ventured off into the outskirts of a much smaller city.

I drove around the outskirts, looking for a suitable building.

There. Exactly what I was looking for.

I cosy looking B&B, quite small but decent looking, with a concealed, sheltered car park.

I parked the car in a far corner. With it being sheltered, helicopters could go straight over it and not spot anything.

Drake and I got out of the car, and sticking close to each other, we began pulling suitcases and bags out of the boot. I quickly searched for a wig and stuck it on, so that I couldn't be recognised.

Then we walked through the white wooden door, which made an angel-like tingling sound, and then we strode through the lounge towards the reception desk.

As we walked through the lounge, I noticed there was a couple sitting in the fashionable looking room on a black leather couch, playing chess and talking about some tourist attraction they were going to tomorrow morning.

The girl had light blonde, wavy hair - exactly like my natural hair colour and style. She looked about the same age and same size as me too - her waist and hips were smaller, but she could definitely be mistaken for me from a certain distance.

Her boyfriend could have been the spitting image of Drake too, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a little more wiry in muscle than Drake was. He had exactly the same colour hair, wore a bit shorter.

They looked up as we walked past, smiling at us both, not recognising either of us. We smiled back.

When we reached the oak desk, with a tired, but calm looking elderly lady sat there, knitting what looked like a baby's jumper. Her grey hair was pulled back into a bun, and she was wearing a floral dress. Her kind blue eyes looked up at us. 'May I help you, my dears?'

Drake began talking to her, asking if she had any spare rooms at the back of the building for the both of us. She said they did, gave us a key, and then informed us about breakfast the next morning. Drake gave her the details she asked for - names, contact details, etc... He gave us completely false identities.

I daintly pulled out a few £20 notes from the duffel bag, only opening it a little so that no one could see the full contents, and handed them to her.

She tried to give us some back, saying that we'd given her too much, but I told her to keep it - give it to a charity if she wanted to. She smiled as if she had never been given extra before and thanked us a lot.

Then we lumbered our suitcases up the red carpeted stairs and searched for our room, finding it almost immediately. It was at the back, right near the steps, but also right next to the fire exit which led straight down to the sheltered car park.

Drake put the suitcases on the floor, and then opened the door to our room with a flourish.

He quickly grabbed all the suitcases and bags - even the ones I was holding - and dumped them in the room. Almost straight away, away, he was back by the door again. He picked me up, honeymoon style with one arm under my knee and the other around my torso, and carried me into the room.

I didn't get to look at the room or admire my surroundings, because Drake began kissing me with such intensity, I wouldn't have noticed if the place had suddenly blew up in flames.

We kissed passionately as we fell onto the bed. We had missed out on so much since Drake had been taken, and now we were making up for all that lost time.

We kissed, hugged, and gazed at each other until we fell into a peaceful, and desperately needed sleep.

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