Chapter 20: So Close, Yet So Far

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It wasn't much later when I had realised what the fuck I had gotten myself into.

A whole new identity? Wow, now that was gonna be life changing. Literally.

I also realised that I won't be able to model for a while either... But I couldn't let that get me down and stop me from getting Drake back.

Nothing was gonna stop me from getting him back.

I debated on whether to dye my hair or not. From stories I'd heard from friends and colleagues, dying hair was definitely not the way to go, unless you had really horribly coloured hair. But I liked my hair colour, and I didn't want to ruin it.

A wig it is, then, I thought to myself. Should I get it red, black, brown, or something else? And why style?

Hmm, I'd have to get quite a few different ones and then I could change to whatever I liked! Wigs were pretty cool, once you thought about it. Oh, and I could get glasses too! Get that sexy-smart look...

But I knew it wasn't gonna be all fun and games, though.

It was gonna be tough, and hard, and I would be going through drastic changes. But all of the changes was worth getting Drake back. Anything was worth getting Drake back for.

I also thought about what I would have told my family and friends if I was aloud to see them, maybe even for the last time, depending on whether I would survive the future weeks of my life.

But, wait. Dan had said I couldn't go to SEE them, but could I still talk to them? I could text them, and then cut my SIM card, so it couldn't be traced, and get a new number and everything.

Yes! That could work!

I done it as fast as I could.

To my parents, I said:

''Hey! It's me, Nicole. Just wanted to say that I'll be gone for a few weeks, or maybe more, because I'm going on a cruise with some people I know. Please don't try to contact me, though, because you know how much it costs across-seas... Anyways, send love to my brothers! I love you all very much! xxxxx''

I tried not to cry while writing all the texts, because as I really thought about it, this was it. No more laughing and shopping and going out with my friends to have a laugh.

This was it and this was serious. Drake could get killed, and so could I. I had to be serious, and face reality, because if I turn s blind eye for even a second, I could literally get stabbed in the back. And die. And then I'd never see Drake again.

This was definitely it.

To my friends, I said the same, really.

''Hello, my babes! I'm going away for a few weeks on a long cruise with a special man... ;) Tell the modelling agency that I'm sorry, but I'll be back as soon as possible! Oh, and don't text me or anything, because you know how much it is, and everything. Although that doesn't matter much, what with us being famous in all ;) Love you all, and hope to see you soon! xxxxxxx''

Yep, I really did hope that I would see them again. And not in some hospital bed, about to die from a bullet in my head or whatever.

I sent them, took out my SIM, cut it in half, and then sat on my bed in a daze, staring around at all the suitcases I had partially packed. All I was taking was the essentials - clothes, shoes, money, bags, quilts, awards, photos... And in my head, I was taking all my memories with me (apart from the time Drake killed those two blokes in the living room, of course). Every memory I had of this place - moving in, decorating, parties, the time when Drake and I had mixed our suitcases, our first kiss, the first time he said he loved me... It was all coming with me.

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