Ch 2: Hematite

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Dion's P.O.V.

The daily routine followed a predictable pattern. We would wake up, cleanse ourselves, exit our cells, and obediently carry out the tasks assigned to us, or rather, imposed upon us. Occasionally, they would provide us with food, while other times they would deprive us of it, leaving us drained. Quite an enjoyable experience, wouldn't you agree?

I groaned softly, feeling numb on my right arm as if something heavy was pressing down on it the whole night. I opened my eyes and found out that the numbness was from Denise using my arm as her pillow. The hell.

I grumbled in annoyance but laid still as I watched her sleeping peacefully. She had her own pillow and her own bed but some nights, most nights, I'd find her sleeping on mine. Something to do with her past which I didn't even want to know, and she didn't seem to like talking about it either.

Approximately an hour later, she let out a yawn and opened her eyes to find me gazing at her with a hint of irritation. She flashed her usual signature smile before shifting away from my arm.

"Finally," I muttered, sitting upright on my makeshift bed as she did the same.

"You should have woken me up, silly," she said with a gentle smile. "I don't want to start my day with your grumpy face," With a playful tone, she got out of bed before me.

"Right right whatever," I trailed off and stared at my bed. It was a metal one, rusting at the legs and there wasn't any mattress to begin with, so we had to make-do with whatever scrapes of clothes we were given. Sometimes we'd ask them if we could collect the clothes that were thrown in the thrash. I admit some of the vampires were nice. Some were assholes and some, monsters.

Denise's bed had a thicker mattress than mine, but she still preferred to sleep on my bed as I refused to sleep at hers. Don't ask me why.

She got her worn out shawl and wrapped it around her. She was ready for the day. We weren't given many clothes to wear. Whatever clothes we had, were used to build our mattresses.

I went to the washroom in the corner of the room. Each cell had a washroom attached to it. I'm thankful that we were at least able to relieve ourselves in peace. Sad huh?

I drenched my face with water and gazed at my reflection in the shattered mirror. Long black hair, grey eyes and a bruised face staring back at me in anger. Do I look like this all the time? I frowned. My right eyebrow had a deep cut which happened from a fight years ago. More like I got beaten up by a vampire.

Them being a vampire didn't scare me. However, I was scared for Denise. She was someone that I cared for. Someone who's been with my side through all these years. As I gazed  at the necklace she gifted me, I found myself unconsciously clutching the warm stone in my palm.

"I picked that stone up from the beach I went with my family ...for the last time," Denise smiled at me, but it wasn't reaching her eyes.

"I cannot accept this," I said and placed it down on her bed. It had a little knot tying the little grey stone to a black thread. I knew she made it herself with how terrible the knotting was.

"It's fine Dion. It's the only gift I could ever give in this lifetime," she smiled weakly at me. I stared into her eyes, and it hurt me.

"Don't say that," I retorted, seething with anger towards her and everything else.
"Don't lose hope.. I am by your side and will remain by your side," my voice quivered.

" Someday... someday, we will stroll along the shore and handpick a stone for me together. Alright?" I whispered gently to her, settling down beside her on the bed.

"Happy 18th birthday, Dion."

I sighed putting the stone back under my hoodie. I hissed at how cold it felt on my skin. I didn't realize how long I was thinking that the stone went cold from being exposed to the cold air.

It was Hematite, which was silver-grey in colour. And it had light specks all over the stone and scratches exposing sharp crimson lines. It was beautiful. She wrapped a black thread over it. Poorly, might I add.

I took a deep breath and brushed my hair back with my wet fingers, combing it. She refused to take it back and boy was she stubborn. In the end, I accepted her gift and tied the knot properly so that the stone will never fall down and get lost.

One day we'll be free, Denise and I'll take you to the beach. I promised myself, wrapping my hand around the little stone tightly and  finally got out of the washroom. I wore my brown hoodie, which was once white, covering my bruised arms.

We walked out to the grand backyard in line, with our heads down to avoid staring into the eyes of the greedy bloodsuckers. They surrounded us everywhere: some in the shadows, some standing in the balconies, some following us as we made our way to the ground where we were all given our tasks for the day and were separated in groups.

We stood in lines, Denise standing behind me with my body covering her smaller one. I looked everywhere studying the palace and everyone in it. One of the vampires noticed me studying the place. Jemiah.

He smirked at me while I glared at him. The King's disgusting brother. The guy who kidnapped Denise and imprisoned her along with us. The very same guy who abuses her. I felt Denise tensed up, so I reached behind me and grabbed her hand that was tugging on the hem of my shirt tightly.

"You're okay," I whispered. By the looks of it, I knew he could hear me. I looked away from him and stared front. A woman who looked to be in her 40s was giving us works to do. I got cleaning duty. And by cleaning duty, they meant cleaning the blood stains off the floor of the rooms belonging to the high-class vampires. Great.

However, Denise got a different duty than mine;  servant for the High-class vampires. It meant that she'd be serving the King and his associates, including His brother. And God knows what could happen in that God-forsaken room. I hesitated to turn my face behind.

Blood drained from my face and my throat dried up, I licked my chapped lips and closed my eyes. This can't be happening. This is far too dangerous.

Denise was about to leave with the others, but I grabbed her wrist quickly. She looked at me, pale and so weak, it shattered my heart. I was scared to death. With a shaky breath, I whispered, " You'll be okay..just be careful, Denise. Be safe."

I didn't know who I was trying to comfort, me or her. The shorter woman grabbed my hand that was holding her other wrist and gently rubbed on the back of it. Her hand felt warm on mine and somehow it reminded me of my mother's touch. I felt myself getting warm and I was about to tear up but I held back.

"I'll be fine, Dion. You be safe," she pushed her index finger on my chest and smiled softly at me. It meant Do not get in trouble. I let go of her wrist hesitantly and watched her follow the guards into the other side of the palace where the Grand dining room was.

I watched her as she walked away until she disappeared around the corner, and I started feeling anxious. It doesn't feel safe.

I was harshly grabbed by one of the guards, pulling me towards the opposite direction. I yanked my hand away from his grip and glared at the cold-blooded creature.

" I.can.walk," I snapped at him.

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